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Rizvan Hasan

I love dreaming. Nowaday it became my only hobby.

Extensive Roundup of the Best WordPress Plugins You’ll Ever Need: Year 2012 Edition. Besides being a beautiful, easy to use and powerful platform by itself, WordPress is also loved because of it’s high level of customization and optimization.

Extensive Roundup of the Best WordPress Plugins You’ll Ever Need: Year 2012 Edition

Plugins are the best way to optimize and enrich your WordPress blog. And it’s not limited to performance only. The plugins WordPress offers range from page speed optimization, user engagement, advanced backup, full theme modification to social sharing and search engine optimization. No matter what kind of website or blog you own, you’ll definitely find something that will make your site better.

Just like with clothes some plugins are one size fits all, and other are quite specific. The first part will cover optimization, forms, comments, site backup, posts, security, design & theme customization and media. The second part will cover ecommerce, SEO, social media, marketing and lot of great miscellaneous plugins. Optimization 1. WP Super Cache is a very fast caching engine for WordPress that produces static html files. 2. 3.

Forms. 40+ Truly Functional And Free 3 Column WordPress Themes. WordPress is the biggest publishing platform, one reason of its popularity is the availability of high-quality, flexible and creative themes, making your website really bewitching.

40+ Truly Functional And Free 3 Column WordPress Themes

Selection of a well-designed theme is a critical part for starting a website or a blog and if you are still confused which theme you should use in your next blog then you found the right place today. Today we have collected 40+ Excellent, Truly Functional And Free 3 Column WordPress Themes. Three column themes can be very handy if you have a lot of content to express, they make everything look clear and don’t let your blog get too cluttered. 1. Artwork (Demo) 2. 3. 4. 5. 10 Essential WordPress Plugins for Every WordPress Installation. I have my own set of WordPress plugins that I have used time and time again.

10 Essential WordPress Plugins for Every WordPress Installation

Each time I do a fresh install for myself or a client I always seem to install the same ones. I am more than sure there will be people that both agree and disagree, but these are my top ones, and maybe some that you have never seen before. Some of the extra ones I will add in this article are some of the most useful ones that I have found to do specific tasks within WordPress that have saved me many headaches and much time. For bigger list however you could check older list with 130 plugins for all needs split in two parts – part 1, part 2. Over my time of working with WordPress and using it to create websites for clients, I have found that some of the most unique requests I have recieved from clients have been settled by a simple WordPress plugin.

Getting Started For those of you that are new to using WordPress and installing plugins – There are a couple of different ways to do it. The Plugins.