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Raspberry Pi Image Processing

Facebook Twitter Raspberry Pi + SimpleCV + OpenCV + Raspicam CSI camera. In this Codemotion Madrid 2013, I’m giving a talk about Computer Vision.

Raspberry Pi + SimpleCV + OpenCV + Raspicam CSI camera

It’s going to be a beginner’s talk, an introduction to high level concepts of artificial vision using SimpleCV, OpenCV and Python. For making this talk more interesting I’m going to develop a software prototype, whose internals I will explain at the end of the talk, putting in play some of the concepts introduced during the talk, so people see a real application of things learned. Preview to fb1 ?

Tasanakorn wrote:This app like normal app. but it does not output any text on console (some debug message send to syslog). ......Now. you should see primary screen on framebuffer device.

Preview to fb1 ?

At this point you can run any program (raspivid, raspistill, startx or omxplayer) like on primary screen (let me know if it not). Thank you kindly for sharing this tasanakom. I'm not sure the tft display would be useful to me yet without it! I've had no luck with the python side of things so far (perhaps because the only python I know is Monty. Is there a way to get from mmal to opengl texture.