Riverina Counselling
Riverina Counselling aiming to improve others' lives who are affected by trauma, grief, loss, child counseling, and more. Get the motivation, guidance, and support you need to get your life on track. You don’t need to struggle on your own anymore! Free feel to Call us today: +61 04253 05452
The reason I started working with trauma - Riverina Counselling. The reason I started working with trauma was seeing this on a day by day basis and devastating effect it has on peoples lives.
I began to develop a passion for trauma therapy, especially in regional and remote Australia in towns such as Wagga, Cowra and Young as these areas often had limited to no access to these services. Trauma often affects many areas of a persons, from their relationships, ability to attend work, enjoying recreational activities and even has strong links to addiction.
More and more I am also seeing children and teenagers being affected by trauma, especially with social media, online gaming as well as bullying. Trauma therapy is a process that allows a person the time and space to begin to unpack (if there is a need, not everyone has to) and understand how the impact of trauma affect their day to day lives. This means creating a safe place where we can connect, as without this it doesn’t provide the correct environment to allow this process. Unconscious anxiety due to COVID Lockdown - Riverina Counselling. COVID for no word of a doubt has had huge impact on the world.
Sydney it’s with the recent lock down has sent Australia into this level of unconscious anxiety. Even when I walked into a shop and servo the other day, I forgot my mask! And I can see why people are so apprehensive. If you are Sydney currently I honestly feel for you, especially those who are isolated and in risk for domestic violence, stuck with children who can barely get out or have a holiday or working from home with basically NO human contact, it’s rough. It may not be as bad in Cowra and Young NSW but still restricting (wearing masks in cinema’s, not fun!) Importance Of Australian Counselling Association (ACA) - Riverina Counselling. Being a Registered Counselling Supervisor with the Australian Counselling Association (ACA) is something I consider to be a privilege as well as being a huge responsibility.
Having worked in the profession for over 10 years and relocated a number of times I have managed to sustain an ongoing and profitable private practice. Having recently relocated to Central West NSW, servicing small country towns like Young, Cowra and Forbes I have had a recent growth in clients. Contact – Riverina Counselling. Testimonials – Riverina Counselling. Trauma & Personality Disorder in Cowra, NSW - Riverina Couselling. I treat trauma of many kinds, from childhood trauma such as abuse and neglect as well as trauma experienced by adults.
Trauma affects us in many different ways and no two people are affected by trauma in exactly the same way as another. My treatment is modified to fit how trauma has impacted your life, from your own relationships to even your work life. This gives the best outcomes to suit your needs, as well as addressing specific issues related to just you that you wish to address. This can be from as little as three sessions for trauma that was less intensive upto over 20 sessions or more for more intense trauma, such as that from childhood or repeated episodes of trauma. Therapist & Teenage Counsellor Young – Riverina Counselling. Being a younger therapist with ample experience I have a passion for teenage counselling, as well as a natural ability to connect with them.
I have worked with the Department of Education and in numerous schools across NSW and Victoria. Teenagers today face many issues from social media, bullying and even different forms of trauma and loss. Parents can often feel overwhelmed and lost in not knowing how to connect or help their children in these difficult times, as they often turn to their peers rather than parents. If a teenager is experiencing trauma, anxiety, depression or other issues the sooner treatment is sought the quicker they can begin to heal and get better. Further, if complex issues are dealt with earlier on in life this can reduce the likelihood of other mental health issues appearing as they become adults. Counselling Victims services - Riverina counselling. Sadly many people have been victims of crime in NSW and have had to endure the devastating effects it has on their lives.
As an Accredited NSW Victims Services Counsellor I can provide services to people who have been approved to receive counselling. I provide an individual approach to suit your needs, as each person who is affected by crime will experience it differently than another. These services include domestic and family violence, childhood abuse, being attacked and much more. Once a person has been approved they will have access to 22 sessions of ongoing counselling as needed.
NDIS Psychotherapy - Riverina Counselling. I offer trauma and counselling services to those who have a self-managed NDIS plan in New South Wales.
Having lived with a physical injury and the debilitating effects it has had on me provides a level of personal understanding but also how to tailor treatment to suit and adapt to each person’s needs. This will work in accordance with your own goals and what you want to get out of counselling, as this is your treatment and what you want to achieve. Under the NDIS we can work on whatever you feel is relevant to yourself and plan needs. Counselling Coaching & Therapy Service. Having been in the counselling profession in organisations and having busy private practices for close to 10 year I have found mixed results with supervision for entry level and advanced therapists.
Supervision is a complex task that involves improving one’s practice as a therapist as well as increasing and growing their private practice, if required. I use a blended approach to supervision that is two fold in providing these services, as they are both vital in becoming a reputable and competent therapist. This will have some sessions aimed at improving your work with clients as a counsellor and a business owner in getting new clients.
It will also aim to work on learning how to effectively network and connect with other professionals to increase referrals and form strong, long lasting relationships. Psychotherapy for Chronic Pain in Young & Cowra. 1 in 5 people will experience chronic pain in their lives, and having had chronic pain myself I know well the debilitating effects it can have across a person’s whole life, from relationships and ability to work.
Chronic pain can also cause massive depression and anxiety as well as trauma due to changes in lifestyle. I found I could no longer surf or hike like I used to, which had a direct impact on my mental health and wellbeing. About – Riverina Counselling. I entered the field of mental health after going through my own experiences a number of years ago.
This created a passion to begin assisting others as I found it difficult to find and connect with professionals who didn’t get nor attempted to take the time to listen to and understand my story. This led me to doing a formal Masters Degree in Counselling and Applied Psychotherapy and pursuing a career to help others who were also struggling, aiming to improve others lives who are affected by trauma, grief, loss and more.
Due to a lack of services in NSW and regional Australia I have a passion for remote and isolated communities, due to the many barriers they face. Since then I have worked and specialized with teenagers and adults for close to 10 years who have experienced various forms of trauma and personality issues, aiming to improve their quality of life and get them back to a healthy and happy place that I have also been able to get to. Riverina Counselling: Best Counselling Therapy in Cowra & Young.