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Natural Homes: Google+ El barro, las manos, la casa. Email+ 1Email Esta obra, dirigida por Gustavo Marangoni, es un gran documental didáctico sobre construcción natural.Filmado principalmente en la localidad de El Bolsòn, provincia de Rìo Negro, sur de la cordillera Argentina; fue realizado con el apoyo de la secretaría de Cultura de la Presidencia de la Nación. Y fue declarado de interés por el programa “Arquitectura y Construcción con Tierra” de la Facultad de Arquitectura, Diseño y Urbanismo de la Universidad de Buenos Aires. Se trata de una mirada general a este tipo de construcción: sus características, su historia, los prejuicios que tenemos sobre la tierra como material de construcción, sus virtudes y también sus desventajas (y como superarlas).

Jorge Belanko charla con vecinos aclarando dudas generales como por ejemplo, si es posible realizar este tipo de casas en zonas lluviosas como las nuestras, los diferentes estilos de construcción, la posibilidad de la autoconstrucción, entre otros temas. Ver video (nuevo enlace): Home. The Monolithic Dome. Monolithic Domes are constructed following a method that requires a tough, inflatable Airform, steel-reinforced concrete and a polyurethane foam insulation. Each of these ingredients is used in a technologically specific way.

Our domes can be designed to fit any architectural need: homes, cabins, churches, schools, gymnasiums, arenas and stadiums, bulk storages, landlord dwellings and various other privately or publicly owned facilities. Monolithic Domes meet FEMA standards for providing near-absolute protection and have a proven ability to survive tornadoes, hurricanes, earthquakes, most manmade disasters, fire, termites and rot. They are cost-efficient, earth-friendly, extremely durable and easily maintained. Most importantly, a Monolithic Dome uses about 50% less energy for heating and cooling than a same-size, conventionally constructed building. Monolithic Domes are neither restricted by climate nor by site location. What does a community need and want in a school structure? Gallery: EcoShell Construction | Domes for the World. Monolithic domes.

Monolithic dome office Monolithic Domes are constructed following a method that requires a tough, inflatable Airform, steel-reinforced concrete and a polyurethane foam insulation. Each of these ingredients is used in a technologically specific way. This technology was developed by the Monolithic Dome Institute (MDI). The domes can be designed to fit any architectural need: homes, cabins, churches, schools, gymnasiums, arenas and stadiums, bulk storages, landlord dwellings and various other privately or publicly owned facilities.

The dome, when finished, is earthquake, tornado and hurricane resistant (FEMA rates them as "near-absolute protection" from F5 tornadoes and Category 5 Hurricanes). [edit] Ecoshells MDI has also developed the technology to build so-called "EcoShells". EcoShells are easy to build, easy to teach others to build and fast to construct. It has been estimated that Haiti, for example, needs approximately 200,000 EcoShells to house up to 1 million people. [edit] See also. Domerama. Chapter 9: Mathematics -- Build a homemade geodesic dome. A Geodesic Dome Some years ago I built a geodesic dome out of ½ inch galvanized steel electrical conduit, to serve as an aviary for chickens and small parrots. I wrote a computer program to calculate the proper lengths of steel tubing, and draw the diagram shown below: The dome is made from three different lengths of tubing.

I used colored stickers on the tubes to mark the different lengths -- red for the long ones, violet for the medium lengths, and green for the short ones. You can see those colors in the drawing. The ends of the tubes are smashed flat with a hammer, and then holes are drilled in the flat ends for a bolt to go through to connect up to six of the tubes together. For this project, something a little more modest in size is required. For the first attempt at a smaller dome, I used bamboo kebab skewers and gumdrops. You will need these materials for the gumdrop dome: Click on photo for a larger picture The dome is made of pentagons and hexagons. We end up with a nice dome. Sustainable Domes - Geodesic Dome - Aquaponics Domes :: Home. Geodesic Dome.