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Tech Meetup - LONDON, UK - 21th March - Jolla, Tizen, Ubuntu, FirefoxOS, MeeGo and OTHERS!!! I do love a Meetup and Carol Chen (Community Manager – Jolla) is having a Tech Meetup in London, UK and its tomorrow 21 March. I do know this is short notice, but if you can make it, then please do. In the past I have setup some Tech / MeeGoExperts meetups and the idea is to come along and chat about Tech, SailfishOS (Jolla), Tizen, Ubuntu, FirefoxOS, WebOS, MeeGo, Maemo, Linux and basically anything else that is tech related and you love talking about.

If there is something that you want to show off, then drag it along (tech related). I can’t wait and Carol has confirmed, on the phone, that she can’t wait either !!!! Location: Princess Louise pub 208 High Holborn London WC1V 7EP Time: 19:00 – Late Any queries, please give Carol Chen or Ashiq Nazir (Ash) a shout. See you soon. Morpog : Very early QML based #Firefox... Nokia MeeGon tarina – TaskuMuro. Jolla's MeeGo UI is ready to go - and it's on the hunt for mobile talent. Jolla, the Finnish startup carrying the MeeGo torch, is busy recruiting new staff this week ahead of CEO Jussi Hurmola's world tour to collect the fragments needed to quickly build up an ecosystem for the mobile OS. Jolla, which currently employs 50 mostly Nokia castaways, was interviewing 38 potential new hires for Jolla in Finland on Wednesday.

Those who make the cut will form part of its target of having 100 Finnish staff by the end of 2012, the soft deadline for the launch of its smartphone based on a MeeGo OS fork. "We're having a recruiting day today and we're hiring lots of engineers from Finland and we're also looking... to hire people from China, so we are opening our Chinese office soon," Hurmola told Norse Code. One source Jolla is looking to for talent are contributors to the Linux-based Mer Project, the core operating system of the MeeGo fork Jolla has chosen to build upon.

The Jolla UI "will be a change from anything existing at the moment," Hurmola added. Global launch. Yannick Pellet's Blog: Qt. 2012 Device Program. Nokia is sponsoring a device program consisting of 60 Nokia N9 + 40 Nokia N950 with free delivery. One of the goals of this program is to help reducing the list of missing apps (or alternatives & related features). The devices will be distributed through 4 activities: 11 N9 + 14 N950 for the Coding Competition. 15 N9 + 10 N950 for the Community Awards. 17 N9 + 8 N950 devices for existing community apps being published at the Nokia Store. 17 N9 + 8 N950 devices for Qt 5 mobile projects. 75% of these devices should be in the hands of their new owners by the end of June. The Coding Competition runs through the Summer and the prizes will be awarded at the end. The details of each of these programs are being discussed as we speak. [edit] Coding Competition planning forum thread [edit] Community Awards Community Awards (short.

[edit] New Apps for Nokia Store - COMPLETE [edit] Qt 5 Mobile Projects - COMPLETE. Download QuickTimer and many other games. N950 OneClickFlasher for Firmware Version 39-5. Introduction Use the Nokia N950 OneClickFlashers to update a Nokia N950 phone to the an appropriate firmware version with a computer running Microsoft Windows, Apple Mac OS X, or Linux. This may be necessary in order to update a device with older software image to the newer software, or to return a malfunctioning device to a known state. This page provides OneClickFlashers for firmware versions 1.1 and 1.2.

Note: The flashers provide no means for downgrading the firmware! So once you've installed a more recent version, there is no way to return to an older version. Note: These tools are to be used only with the N950 device, do not attempt to update your N9 device with them! This blog post in the N9 Developer blog provides information about the naming scheme used for the firmware. This page offers both the Global and Chinese variants of the firmware. Downloads Harmattan 1.1 (2.2011.39-5, released 2011-10-25) Harmattan 1.2 (3.2012.02-6, released 2012-01-25) Short instructions Detailed instructions.

N9 Developer | Harmattan version numbering explained - Nokia Developer Blogs. [Video] PhoneGap 1.2.0 WiP on MeeGo Harmattan. Having fun porting PhoneGap 1.2 to Harmattan – still some things to finish and having troubles with orientation, but here is an early video: What works:CameraDeviceEventsCompassStorageConnectionGeolocationNotificationAccelerometer What doesn’t (yet): FileMediaCaptureContacts Orientation is a ***** since it is handled in QML and I’m not using the QML WebView due to its limited functionality and less customization options (and some strange issue with CSS files not loading from local filesystem?!).

If I fix the orientation issue soon, I’ll post a test version. Source MeeGo. Snsanalytics. Application - SimpleIRC for the Nokia N9. SimpleIRC is an IRC client that I’ve been working on for over a year now. It first started as a mediocre Java client, which I ported to Qt early this year and published to the Nokia Store for Symbian^3 devices. Now, it’s on the N9! Porting it to the N9 wasn’t easy though, considering that I had to redo the UI logic using QML, since the Qt C++ widgets don’t have the native platform look and feel in MeeGo Harmattan. However, it’s done and I’m quite happy with the result, except for one missing feature which is the inability to launch links from the chat area. You’ll also notice that the Settings and Servers screen doesn’t make use of Qt Quick Components since that interface was built while the components were still being developed.

I’m making it available to download for free from Bugs and feature requests can be submitted to Source Maemo.Org. #meego-meeting: CE steering group meeting. [Meego-handset] MeeGo Community Edition for Nokia N950. Cybercom Session: Qt Quick -Learning QML in one day. Cybercom arranges a joined student forum, Cybercom Session: Qt Quick -Learning QML in one day, in ICT building in Turku 16.11.2011 . Cybercom Session is a great opportunity to learn Qt Quick in a one day. Cybercom Session is a quick course, which will cover Qt and QML basics in four hours. The event is open for all students and university staff members, who are involved with IT related studies. To support the learning of Qt and Qt Quick Cybercom announces a coding competition where the first prize is the latest and greatest Qt based Nokia N9 smartphone.

Find out more about the event and register here Source Cybercom. Damian Dinning on Nokia N9 imaging | Nokia Conversations - The official Nokia Blog. Nokia's camera guru on the secrets behind the N9's sensor GLOBAL - With the Nokia N9, the design team set a sky-high ambition level with the industrial design. As a result, there were a number of significant challenges in realising this design intent. The uni-body itself (I’ve heard) is Nokia’s most complex single component ever! I’ll let others explain more of the details behind this incredibly challenging component. But I thought I’d share some of the challenges we had with the camera development as well as provide more details in a number of areas of which you won’t be aware just by looking at the N9’s beautifully clean exterior. Our biggest challenge without doubt has been to reduce the size of the camera to such a degree that the design intent could be realised, whilst also targeting performance as close as possible to the industry-leading and highly regarded Nokia N8.

A number of these have already been covered in other entries on this site. New Generation Sensor Small footprint 1.