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Zuristo. Ywau5e. The Source of my Ideas. Gravitation by Charles W.

The Source of my Ideas

Misner My rating: 5 of 5 stars This is my favorite book from years now. I’ve pondered pregeometry as a basic idea ever since with or without metric as topological source of partition categories and fabric of possibilities to exist. We should build QM and GR on pregeometry of multiverse. It’s all about measuring on manifoulds and curvature forms, purely mathematical and strongly physical. If the book will be rewritten to morrow, it should be equipped with fourth layer of reading with modern computer animations. View all my reviews Like this: Like Loading... Existence of Points and Connections. In MM (Multiversal Model) of PP (Pregeometric and Prelogic) Worlds the model of the measurement is the key to “Structure with no Structure”.

Existence of Points and Connections

Language, Logic and Geometry or generally Relations has something in common in this model. In MM the existence is of special interest. What really exists and in which way this is to be? It is evident that the existence operator that will describe the totality of possibilities must have capability to measure the existence of n-viduals. This way existence is a special measure in PP-world. Pregeometry with Types. I have read Colin B.

Pregeometry with Types

Hunters interesting paper where Quternionic Hopf Surface HL assosiated with Holomorfic Moduli ML of SL(2,C) bundels is uniting model of classical and quantum field theory with ML differential geometry and algebraic geometry. Lot of physics may be modellet by this ML (Meta Laquage). Pre-Theory and Topology transformations. After reading the article of Alfred D.

Pre-Theory and Topology transformations

Shapere, Frank Wilczek, Zhaoxi Xiong I realized that Pre-Theory can describe the same phenomena of the constrained topology transformation. On Pre-Theory Points and Connectome we must paint a Topology and divide it to two or more Topology domains (intervals in cited model). Division to boundaries can be done by Domain Walls. Constraints can be applied on boundaries (Dirichlet, Newman, etc.). Number theory reprensentation painted on the Pre-Theory. Here I present a method to model number theory of any type on Pre-Theory Points and Connectomes.

Number theory reprensentation painted on the Pre-Theory

After modelling there is possibility to search new type of numbers even to examine the continume problem in the model. Is there infinite numbers smaller than reals? Is there numbers greater than reals? What numbers are there? I have invented some new concept I introduce here. For any number I define the next number to it at units step apart M(+)=M+1. I introduce a new representation to the number and generalize the usual decimal representation to multidecimal representation that explicitly tell the cyclicity of presentation and can make difference between type of number.

Adjacency of Points, Way, Path and Connectomes. Adjacency can be painted on connectome by A=A(AQA).

Adjacency of Points, Way, Path and Connectomes

Here the shorthand notation uses A in different meaning {aQa| a in Q} are lines to and from Q and A is the connectome matrix of Adjacent Points. Theory of completelly everything. Some Models from Pre-Theory 4 Hypercomputing Brains Model. I realized that Network N may have substructures for Information transport, Transport control, Transport operation and Operation design.

Some Models from Pre-Theory 4 Hypercomputing Brains Model

I call these structures Layers. Some Models from Pre-Theory 3 Hypermanifolds. In the last article I tried to model Manifold M=M(M,g).

Some Models from Pre-Theory 3 Hypermanifolds

Some Models from Pre-Theory 2 Manifolds and more to model. I read R.

Some Models from Pre-Theory 2 Manifolds and more to model

Milsons and L. Wyllemans article about Tree Dimensional Space of Maximal Order. Some models from pretheory 1. I read article of Frank Waaldijk .

Some models from pretheory 1

I noticed that his constructive Topology is easy to see to be a model that can be painted on my Pre-Theory. My Points are Franks Dots with exception that the Point can have any property [a|P] where P is a Proposition in some Language L. The Frank properties and theory can be painted by his proposition. Points and Genes as the Model of Genetics. As we all know quartet {A,C,G,T} with 64 triplets carries the most important information of all times, The Life, saved on Chromosome Banks. The MM-model of Life starts with individuals I with properties in [a| {A,C,G,T}] and Index {i| {A,C,G,T}}. The Pregeometry for this Information starts with Points and grouping them to triplets {T|i,j,k}.

Name the triplet T-64. They have property [a|T-64] as individuals (of triplet type). In DNA the triplets are connected to form Genes. Pregeometry with Topos. My idea is that with Points and Connections we can paint everything that is in any model of everything. The big picture waits to be painted. I realized that the method to paint propeties for Points and Connections is an essential way to enrich the theory. What is fundamental? We have used the concept of point as a word to refer something else than a geometric point. The Point here is Individual (entity) with properties. The Point is fundamental in Multiversal Measurement Model (MM-model), where connections Q and Points P are fundamental.

The logic (any logic) is between properties of points (Propositions). The Propositions as properties of Individuals are also fundamental. This comes out from Lists and Index, but they can be inherent to Points. Actually the Point is the only Primordial Fundamental. Orthocomplete Orthomodular Posets and Induced Probability theory of Physics from Pre-Theory. I read this article of Holik,Plasino and Saenz (HPS). There method for generating probabilities for physical theories is visualized in Fig. 2 of the article. As HPS stated “We are at the gates of great generalization”. I think that I have a key to open the gate in the Pre-Theory. My opinion is that HSP method to model probabilities is equivalent to this pathway of Painting the Pre-Theory:

Achilles problem in the Multiverse and the probability consept in the Multiverse. The old question is did Achilles ever pass the line? I have found a new answer for this problem. The old answer was YES. The new one is NO. In fact both are true. The answer is depending of the path and rules Achilles uses. There are paths in Multiverse where Achilles never pass the line. The whole family of such ways can be defined from the following idea to travel “take a half way and turn” .

Now take a mystery tour. Go to half way and turn to an other UniverseRepeat the stepping rule oneGo on. Connectome of Energy, Mass and Momentum for Matter and Dark Matter and Energy conservation with some consecuencies for particles and antiparticles. Here I present how the Energy conservation or any other conservation law can be painted on Point Connectome as painted path.

Multiversal Measure of everything. I read the article arXiv:1109.5674v1 [physics.hist-ph] Exact Philosophy of Space-Time. [1109.5674] Exact Philosophy of Space-Time. Spacetime entanglement and pregeometry tells we have a new time consept. I read an interesting experiment report I noticed that the observation can be explained or painted on pregeometry of Points and Connections. We need few calssifications on the properties of the Points (generally on n-viduals). For instance we can paint Minkowsky properties on them {t,x,y,z} to have the coordinates if we need them. To understand entanglement in time we have to classify Points with direction property. This is easily done by category {t(+),t(-)}. We use constraint t=t(+)+t(-). To explain E. Points and Locig the Mesument Model for propositions. To realize how universal our model (MM) is, I will show how the logic emerge from points and connections. Here we need only tree things (entities). Points Adjacency Frames, Links Collection Bundles, Groups and Gategories in Named Set Ramsey Theory.

There is no Ramsey Theory for Named Sets, yet as far as I know. My attempt on construct everything from pregeometry needs.