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Summer Climbing in Lochaber. Ben Nevis provides some of the finest mountaineering and rock climbing routes in the British Isles. On the north-east side there are routes of all lengths and grades from two pitch Very Difficult climbs to E grade routes nearly 300 metres in length. At 420 metres, 'The Long Climb' (Very Severe) is one of the longest rock climbs in Britain. A climb up one of the classic ridges of 'The Ben' can give a mountaineering adventure which is second to none in quality and situation. The most popular of the ridges is probably Tower Ridge, a stupendous 600 metres of superb scrambling and climbing at Difficult standard. Countless years and ice ages have eroded the hills of Lochaber to their present rough and craggy shapes. There is a very strong tradition of naturally protected climbs. Glen Nevis The many mica-schist buttresses scattered in amongst the trees that go to make up Polldubh in Glen Nevis provide Scotland’s best roadside cragging.

Nostalgic Moments That Make Life Awesome. 21 Awesome Vintage Photos Of Celebrities Eating. NOW What's Happening to My Body. Full Screen Virtual Tours - FullScreen360. 32 People Who Should Not Be Allowed On Facebook In 2013. 26 Moments That Restored Our Faith In Humanity This Year. 0671610139 - A Visit From The Footbinder, And Other Stories. 10 Online Experiences That Will Make You Feel Like You're Really There. Bucket List. Bucketlist. Facebook is Becoming a Rotting Pile of Garbage – A Rant. I joined Facebook when it was still open to just college students. I was happy when it finally opened its walled garden to anyone – it allowed me to connect with friends who didn’t go to school and, eventually, with family members. I’ve used the social network a lot over the years, and I still check it every day to see what my high school friends, college buddies and families are up to.

I’ve seen posts highlighting the birth of friends, and those that brought gloomy news of death. I love how it makes me feel connected, even to those who are thousands of miles away. As Facebook has moved to support “Pages” of independent businesses and into the world of advertising, however, it has become less of a joy and more of a complete headache to use. I understand Facebook has to make money. Facebook knows everything about its users. But it’s those ads and recommendations that are making the service more and more like the jumbled mess we once called MySpace. Is there a solution? 35 Reasons To Have Children. $500 Million Powerball Jackpot: The Tragic Stories of the Lottery’s Unluckiest Winners | Andrew "Jack" Whittaker. Wednesday’s Powerball jackpot is now expected to be an unimaginable $500 million, the second-biggest jackpot in history behind March’s $656 Mega Millions pot.

But winning the lottery can have its pitfalls. Distant relatives and fair-weather friends can come clamoring for their share; spouse can turn on spouse; kidnapping and murder can suddenly become very real threats. And sometimes, the greatest danger to the newly well-off can be the winners themselves. Here are ten cautionary tales of some of the biggest-winning losers in lottery history. Next Urooj Khan. The Unlucky Winners | $500 Million Powerball Jackpot: The Tragic Stories of the Lottery’s Unluckiest Winners. What is Etiquette and Why is It Important?