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101 Places To Get Free Legal Images For Your Websites. How Cameras Work" Photography is undoubtedly one of the most important inven­tions in history -- it has truly transformed how people conceive of the world. Now we can "see" all sorts of things that are actually many miles -- and years -- away from us. Photography lets us capture moments in time and preserve them for years to come. The basic technology that makes all of this possible is fairly simple. A still film camera is made of three basic elements: an optical element (the lens), a chemical element (the film) and a mechanical element (the camera body itself).

As we'll see, the only trick to photography is calibrating and combining these elements in such a way that they record a crisp, recognizable image. There are many different ways of bringing everything together. The optical component of the camera is the lens. But how can a piece of glass do this? When light waves enter a piece of glass at an angle, one part of the wave will reach the glass before another and so will start slowing down first. Camera Lenses" In the last section, we saw that at any one point, a lens bends light beams to a certain total degree, no matter the light beam's angle of entry. This total "bending angle" is determined by the structure of the lens. A lens with a rounder shape (a center that extends out farther) will have a more acute bending angle. Basically, curving the lens out increases the distance between different points on the lens. This increases the amount of time that one part of the light wave is moving faster than another part, so the light makes a sharper turn.

Increasing the bending angle has an obvious effect. Light beams from a particular point will converge at a point closer to the lens. Increasing the distance between the lens and the real image actually increases the total size of the real image. The same basic thing happens in a camera. Professional cameras let you attach different lenses so you can see the scene at various magnifications. Different lenses are suited to different situations. Camera Lens. Once you've settled on the subject and the light, you have to decide on the relative prominence of objects in the scene.

By moving the camera position back and forth, you can adjust the relative size of objects in the scene. After you're happy with the position, you pick a camera lens whose angle of view encompasses all the objects that you want to include in the photo. Objects? Relative prominence? I only want to take a picture of my friend Cyrano! There is only one object in the scene and it is Cyrano's head. Au contraire! Aesthetic tip from MIT: when your nose sticks out 5" in front of your eyes, you don't want it to appear relatively more prominent.

Suppose that you actually want this photo as the "before" illustration in a plastic surgeon's advertisement. Suppose that you wish to flatter Cyrano. What about the 24mm lens from this camera position? Exactly how long a camera lens do you need? Apologies to people from countries that have adopted sensible units.

Wide angle camera lenses Rent. Breathtaking desktop wallpaper, free on Webshots. Zoomshare - Make a free website, free home page, online photo album, free blog, free e-mail, free hosting. Photo Center | Digital Prints, Photo Gifts, Free Sharing & More. Create Custom Digital Prints & Gifts with Personal Photos | Snapfish. Join us 55 free 4x6" prints with your first uploadUnlimited photo sharing & storageCreate unique custom photo gifts Already have an account? Log in Home Décor for her All you need is one great photo to make a meaningful gift she'll enjoy for years.

Unframed canvases, photo panels, and acrylic prints are a few of our favorites. Shop Home Décor 2 FREE 20-page Custom or Classic Photo Books Use code FAVEMOM to get 2 free books when you buy 1. Make your photo books. Imgfave - amazing and inspiring images. Crossing by Tom Eikrem. FotoFlexer. Top 20 Photo Storage and Sharing Sites. Looking for the best way to store and share your photos? You’re not alone! There are many fantastic sites for photo sharing and we’ve rounded up the top twenty. One or more of these are bound to meet your needs and much more. We’ve rounded up the top twenty absolute best photo storage and sharing sites, including pricing, storage, accepted file types and other core information to make your decision even easier. Flickr, Picasa and SmugMug Shootout The following twenty photo sharing sites are listed in order—somewhat. If you haven’t had a chance, be sure to read our comparison of the top three photo sharing sites here, Flickr, Picasa and SmugMug Shootout.

If you know of a site that should’ve been on this list, please let us know by leaving a comment below. Flickr 1. Flickr, one of the most popular photo sharing sites on the web, is one of the most community oriented photo sharing sites available. SmugMug 2. For professionals, it doesn’t get much better than SmugMug. Picasa Web Albums 3. Phanfare. 정승철 Welcoming Party. Welcome to Flickr! Pictures by GuyWixon - Photobucket. Swick & 12 Of The Most Iconic Photographs Ever Taken - StumbleUpon. Timothy H. O’Sullivan – Battle of Gettysburg This photograph has become synonymous with The Battle of Gettysburg, which was the most bloody battle of the American Civil War. Photographer Timothy H. O’Sullivan documented and recorded the battlefield, and this picture became a sensation. For many, this was their first chance to see, first hand, the true extent of the Civil War.

However, it was not until 40 years after the battle that the pictures were mass produced, as photo-engraving had not been established. Lawrence Beitler – Lynching Lawrence Beitler took this iconic photograph on August 7, 1930, showing the lynching of Thomas Shipp and Abram Smith. Joe Rosenthal – Raising the Flag on Iwo Jima Raising the Flag on Iwo Jima is an historic photograph taken on February 23, 1945, by Joe Rosenthal. Alberto Korda – Che Guevara Alberto Korda’s well known photograph of Marxist revolutionary Che Guevara, titled ‘Guerrillero Heroico’ or ‘Heroic Guerrilla’ has become a symbol of the 20th centry.