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Nicole Krauss’s Beautiful Letter to Van Gogh on How to Break the Loop of Our Destructive Patterns. “Feeling helpless and confused in the face of random, unpatterned events, we seek to order them and, in so doing, gain a sense of control over them,” the great psychiatrist Irvin D. Yalom wrote in his magnificent meditation on uncertainty and our search for meaning. But as our terror of losing control compels us to grasp for order and certainty, we all too often end up creating patterns that ultimately don’t serve us, then repeat those patterns under the illusion of control. These patterns of belief — about who we are, about who others are, about how the world works — come to shape our behavior, which in turn shapes our reality, creating a loop that calls to mind physicist David Bohm’s enduring wisdom: “Reality is what we take to be true.

What we take to be true is what we believe… What we believe determines what we take to be true.” Krauss writes: Many thanks to reader Carla Taylor for kindly bringing the Krauss letter to my attention. Hindu History. Winter Solstice: Death & Rebirth of Light. M02~Believe-Nothing-Buddha-Posters.jpg (JPEG Image, 400 × 406 pixels) Atlantis. Tour.

History/Myths/Religion. Paganism/Wicca. Christian Catholics. Mapping & Cartography. Philosophy since the Enlightenment, by Roger Jones. Time to Ditch Our Profit-Hungry Corporate Economy: Here's What the Future Could Look Like Instead. June 10, 2012 | Like this article? Join our email list: Stay up to date with the latest headlines via email. The economy was bound to tank. Not just because greedy corporations rigged the system or because government helped grease the wheels for them. Kelly, a fellow at the Tellus Institute and co-founder of Business Ethics magazine, wrote the just-released book, Owning Our Future: The Emerging Ownership Revolution (Berrett-Koehler, 2012) that helps provide an antidote to the extractive, money-at-all-costs economy. "Our minds have been so colonized by the paradigm of industrial-age capitalism that we've lost the ability to imagine other ways of organizing an economy," she writes.

"My sense is that there is an alternative, and that the reality of it is farther along than we suppose. Kelly talked to AlterNet about her vision for transforming our economy, the long road we'll need to travel to get there, and the brightest lights that can help guide us along the way. Paddle8. Greg Dunn | Visual Art | Neuroscience Art | Gold Leaf Painting. Gage Opdenbrouw - Paintings and Drawings.