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Facebook Twitter @ Hello. On the manufacture of treadmills. | Automica. On the manufacture of treadmills. If there is one thing that I have become known for it is the removal of the day to day grind of office life and the replacement with freedom through automation. I think when talking to people about that subject that they truly believe that automation solves all problems and is the goal. It isn’t.

The true goal is, for me at least, the ability to be where I want, when I want and the the freedom to decide each morning what to do with my day. Imagine the freedom that comes from waking with a clean slate ahead of you, no appointments, no boss screaming, no need to do anything… Of course it cant be like that everyday but thats the aim. So the primary thing I think of when presented with a work problem isn’t “can I automate this?” So heres a brief example of that thinking in action: - So I have a process that I need to do that normally requires a raft of staff, in fact the process is similar to 3 other processes that normally require staff.

Job 1. Job 2. Job 3. Operationalizing Social Media: An Interview with Paul Madden. Paul Madden first earned a reputation in the Internet marketing industry for his daring in the darker arts. Today, he’s a thought leader in the sometimes taboo realm of social media automation. In his constant quest to streamline processes and identify efficiencies, Paul’s social media strategy combines human interaction with automated tasks to create a social media presence with the fast pace made possible through automation and a personal touch only people can provide.

Paul, owner of Automica Limited, will speak at this month’s SES San Francisco session called Twitternation and Automation, where he will share tools and insights to illuminate the strategy behind effective automation tactics on Twitter. I got a chance to talk to Paul about his session and also get his thoughts on social media adoption and the growth of new platforms going forward. About a year ago, you did an interview with State of Search. As some may know, we specialize in the spammier end of the social media rainbow. Think Visibility Live Blogging - March 2011. It’s that time of the year again where we pull ourselves out of bed early on a Saturday morning and catch the train to Leeds for Think Visibility. Please see below for our Think Visibility live blogging notes (updated throughout the day). Paddy will be covering: - Reviewing sites that have been submitted (to provide link suggestions) - Generic link building tips - “Shadier stuff” First website reviewed: Link Analysis Think about what type of links you need before just getting any links.

Their current profile has lots of sidebar/site-wide links for The Food Place. So what do they need? More domain diversity. Easy win? Link bait; “Top 10 Restaurants in Leeds”, etc. Consider running a survey before hand, asking people for their favourite restaurants. Using Twitter for Links Paddy took a sample of 50 of their followers, and 38 of them had websites. – Let’s you pull information (such as user’s websites/bios) from a list of followers without having to login to Twitter. 1.