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Albane Vigneron sur Twitter : "#LeanTourOuest c'est parti !! @xmedard @INSA_Rennes... Lean services 1/5 : origines et bénéfices. Twitter. Lean Lessons for the Digital Age by Daniel T Jones, Lean IT Summit 20… Lean Summit France. Institut Lean France - ILF. Lean Summit France. LeanCentre : C'est le début du #LeanSummit... Michael Ballé's Gemba Coach Column. Now, that is an interesting question.

Michael Ballé's Gemba Coach Column

There are so many issues there, it’s hard to know what comes first. Let me start by saying that I feel your pain – I see this all the time. Let’s see if I can partially answer your question. It’s not easy to be a plant manager. Daily life is about: Getting production outFighting all the fires burning because of problems arising from our own lack of process mastery here and thereDealing with all the nonsense requests from headquarters Few human beings know how do deal with more than seven issues at the same time on their mental desktop – okay, maybe nine. A lot of operational managers simply get bogged down with issues – like cars on a freeway, at a certain point of saturation, traffic just jams, and this definitely happens to operational management teams;Operational managers make (often implicit) choices about how they select issues – it turns out that some of these choices are self-defeating.

Lean Obsessions Program Pushers What can be done? Leveraging Lean for IT and research transformation by Jeromy Markwort. Institut Lean France - ILF. Institut Lean France - ILF. L’infographie du Mois… L’Histoire de l’excellence opérationnelleExcellence-Operationnelle.TV. Après l’infographie du DMAIC, voici l’infographie de l’Histoire de l’excellence opérationnelle.

L’infographie du Mois… L’Histoire de l’excellence opérationnelleExcellence-Operationnelle.TV

Merci à tous les membres de la communauté d’EOTV pour avoir participé à l’amélioration de cette frise historique ! Gemba Walks. The Lean Edge. Q&A: Bringing a Leaner Sensibility to Finance. Sixteen-hour work days aside, even the most passionate workers still need sleep.

Q&A: Bringing a Leaner Sensibility to Finance

But waste never sleeps in a finance department and it manifests itself in so many forms: from endless reams of unread finance reports, to unused forecasts and slow and burdensome processes. As corporations look to learn lessons from waste-reducing concepts applied in manufacturing, such as lean and Six Sigma, CFOs are now bringing those ideas to corporate finance. That means looking at the differences between cost accounting and cost management and tensions that emerge between the income and cash flow statements. Recently, Business Finance sat down with Jamie Flinchbaugh, a founder and partner of the Lean Learning Center in Novi, Mich., and the co-author of “The Hitchhiker’s Guide to Lean: Lessons from the Road.” BF: You have said there’s a great deal of difference between bringing lean principles to accounting versus applying lean strategy to the broader finance department.

JF: It’s true. JF: It’s true. Lean Affiliates - Idea Generation System. Lean Affiliates Glossary S. Lean management. PROFORUM - Réseau des CCI en région Centre -  / Accueil. Lean Blog. As somebody who flies about 75,000 miles a year, I am far too acquainted with the Transportation Security Administration and their annoyances (to the passenger) and their documented shortcomings (in their effectiveness).

Lean Blog

That said, everybody deserves a workplace where they are treated with respect, even our blue-shirted friends that frequent flyers love to roll their eyes at. A recent New York Times article (“Unions Woo Airport Security Screeners“) caught my eye, not just because of the unionization question, but the question of respectful workplace dynamics. One TSA worker says the following: Justin Bourque, a former Army corporal and now a behavior detection officer at Newark, said T.S.A. workers were not treated with respect. “I was treated with more respect and more like an adult when I was in the military, where I had no rights,” he said, complaining that when a worker made a mistake, there was no effort to retrain, often just a blanket admonition not to repeat the error.