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Nova Pilbeam obituary. Among the many might-have-beens in film history was the starring of Nova Pilbeam opposite Laurence Olivier in Rebecca (1940), Alfred Hitchcock’s first Hollywood film.

Nova Pilbeam obituary

The producer, David O Selznick, desperately wanted Pilbeam, who has died aged 95, for the female lead of Mrs de Winter, and was willing to offer her a five-year contract. Pilbeam, who while still a teenager had already had important roles in two of Hitchcock’s films, The Man Who Knew Too Much (1934) and Young and Innocent (1937), was also hoping she would land the prestigious part, particularly since she had recently lost out to Margaret Lockwood in his The Lady Vanishes (1938). However, Hitch, after auditioning hundreds of young women, opted instead for the 22-year-old Joan Fontaine, claiming that the 20-year-old Pilbeam was not mature enough.

Fontaine, who was nominated for an Oscar, was made into a big star by the film. Who knows if Rebecca would have been the same success for Pilbeam? Classic Radio/TV World: The Blake Murder Mystery (1940) Original name: Haunted House. Classic Radio/TV World: The Lost Zeppelin. At a banquet preceding his flight to the South Pole, Hall, a zeppelin commander, learns that his wife, Miriam, whom he worships, is in love with Lieutenant Tom Armstrong, his best friend and partner in the flight.

Classic Radio/TV World: The Lost Zeppelin

She requests a divorce, which he agrees to grant after the voyage. When the zeppelin reaches the pole, a gale causes it to crash and the men divide up into search parties; a plane with room for only one finds Hall and Tom, and Hall insists that Tom be rescued. Tom is welcomed in Washington as the only survivor but finds that Miriam still loves her husband. Later, news comes of Hall's rescue and miraculous recovery, and he is happily reunited with his wife. Classic Radio/TV World: Forbidden Jungle (1950) A caravan moves through the jungle, led by Tom Burton, one of the top American big-game hunters.

Classic Radio/TV World: Forbidden Jungle (1950)

Tom is in search of a boy this time, lured by the prospect of a large reward. When Tom and his men set up camp outside a native settlement, they are observed by Nita, who is particularly alarmed at the sight of a Bengal tiger in a bamboo cage. The Scores of Sherlock Holmes. Actor Richard Attenborough dies at 90. Classic Radio/TV World: BULLDOG DRUMMOND COMES BACK(1937) As Captain Hugh "Bulldog" Drummond prepares to marry Phyllis Clavering, she is kidnapped by criminal Mikhail Valdin and his sister, Erena Soldanis.


Because Hugh helped send Erena's husband to the gallows, she and Valdin hope to mentally torture Hugh through a series of clues delivered to him on gramophone albums, promising to lead Hugh to Phyllis if Scotland Yard does not interfere. The first clue directs Hugh and his friend Algy Longworth to Anglers Rest, a fisherman's tavern forty miles from Rockingham Lodge, where Hugh lives. Before they leave, Colonel Nielson of Scotland Yard informs them that Valdin and Erena are wanted for swindling an American millionaire and then murdering him. PETERCUSHINGBLOG.BLOGSPOT.COM (PCASUK): TWINS OF EVIL ACTRESS MADELEINE COLLINSON DIES 1952 - 2014. I am very sad to hear that actress Madeleine Collinson, passed away last night.


Classic Radio/TV World: Charlie Chan Jade Mask 1945. Charlie Chan Jade Mask 1945.

Classic Radio/TV World: Charlie Chan Jade Mask 1945

Classic Radio/TV World: The Corpse Vanishes. James Garner, Rockford Files star, dies aged 86. National Screen Services Press Campaign Booklet - The Sound of Vincent Price. Charlie Chan Dangerous Money. On a foggy night on board a ship bound for Samoa and Australia, undercover agent Scott Pearson tells detective Charlie Chan that he is being sent to Samoa to investigate the sudden appearance of money and artworks stolen from Philippine banks during the Japanese invasion.

Charlie Chan Dangerous Money

Hollywood legend Mickey Rooney dies aged 93. Charlie Chans Secret. During the search for bodies among the wreckage of a boat lost in a storm near Hawaii, detective Charlie Chan finds a diary of Alan Coleby, heir to his father's fortune, which indicates that he was on board and that attempts had recently been made on his life.

Charlie Chans Secret

Chan cables Henrietta Lowell, matriarch of the family and the sister of Alan's deceased father, that Alan's fate is uncertain and flies to San Francisco where Mrs. Lowell, a devoted believer in "psychic research," schedules a séance. Alan returns to the Coleby estate, but upon entering, he is hit by a thrown dagger. The séance is conducted by Carlotta, a medium, and attended by her husband, Professor Bowan, whom Mrs. The Invisible Man (1975) TV Series REVIEW. JON KANEKO-JAMES looks back on the 1970s TV series The Invisible Man, based on HG Wells’ classic This was a time when effects were getting cheaper: Peter Vlahos had already invented the earliest green screen process, superseding the difficult, time consuming (and by implication, expensive) process of travelling mattes.

The Invisible Man (1975) TV Series REVIEW

It’s probably no accident that Vlahos’ invention coincided with a run of successful sci-fi shows like Lost in Space, Land of the Giants, The Time Tunnel and Voyage to the Bottom of the Sea. Charlie Chans Murder Cruise. Inspector Duff of Scotland Yard visits Charlie Chan in Honolulu to enlist his aid in trapping a strangler who is lurking among ten members of a world cruise being conducted by Dr.

Charlie Chans Murder Cruise

Suderman. Before the inspector can divulge his plan, however, he falls victim to the strangler, and Chan begins his own investigation into the murders. Charlie Chan Castle In The Desert. At a secluded California desert castle, owned by eccentric millionaire Paul Manderley, tragedy strikes when Professor Gleason, a guest, is poisoned. Others visiting the castle are Manderley's lawyer, Walter Hartford, Walter's wife Brenda, and Manderley's physician, Dr. Retling. Fearing that his wife Lucy will be implicated in the poisoning, because she is the former Princess Lucrezia della Borgia, Manderley bribes Retling and Hartford to take Gleason's body to a hotel in Mojave Wells, the closest town, and make it look as if he died there of a heart attack. Soon after, Honolulu detective Charlie Chan, who is vacationing in San Francisco with his son Jimmy during Jimmy's leave from the Army, receives a note from Lucy asking him to come to the castle.

Charlie Chan Black Magic (Meeting At Midnight) While holding a seánce at his home, psychic W. Bonner asks for questions from those present. After a voice asks what happened in London on 5 Oct 1935, the lights are extinguished, a gunshot rings out and Bonner is found murdered. As Bonner's wife Justine summons Inspector Matthews of the homicide bureau, Bonner's assistants, Tom and Vera Starkey, who operate from a hidden chamber, panic and flee. Matthews orders all those present at the Bonner house to headquarters for questioning. Charlie Chan Behind That Curtain. Eve Mannering, daughter of a wealthy Englishman, marries Eric Durand, a fortune hunter, who kills the investigator hired by her father to examine his past.

Upon discovering the plot, Eve leaves him and joins an old family friend on a desert expedition. Later, fearing she will implicate him in her affairs, Eve deserts him and comes to San Francisco. Sir Frederic Bruce, of Scotland Yard, is attracted to the case by a mysterious pair of Chinese slippers found on the victim's body--a gift from the explorer, John Beetham. SoundWorks Featurette on 'The Hobbit: Desolation of Smaug. Compare Two Worlds from 'Dawn of the Planet of the Apes' on Website. By Alex Billington January 25, 2014Source: SlashFilm "It's been 10 years of change. " In the last few days, Fox has launched a brand new website for Dawn of the Planet of the Apes, the Matt Reeves-directed sequel to the restart of the Apes franchise, Rise of the Planet of the Apes. Picking up where that film ends, the story is set 10 years ahead, and the gap between Apes and Man has begun to grow.

The "simian flu" has killed off most of humanity and many cities were destroyed in subsequent battles. The site allows fans to explore the now-abandoned/destroyed San Francisco area and see what it looks like there after 10 years have passed, as the Apes continue taking over. Hugh Jackman Set to Play Blackbeard in PAN. A month ago it was reported that Hugh Jackman was in talks to play Blackbeard in director Joe Wright's feature film adaptation of Peter Pan.

It has now been confirmed that Jackman will indeed be taking on the villainous role. The film has been known as Pan, but apparently there's no official title yet. Top 10 Classic Movie Monsters. Star Wars Episode 7: Mark Hamill says nothing has been decided about his return as Luke Skywalker to JJ Abrams's Star Wars Episode VII.

PETERCUSHINGBLOG.BLOGSPOT.COM (PCASUK): DONALD FEARNEY'S 'THE LEGEND OF HAMMER VAMPIRES' DVD DOCUMENTARY. Disney's MALEFICENT Trailer with New Footage. Elijah Wood Producing Serial Killer Trilogy Called THE BOY. Top 10 Most Anticipated Movies of 2014. Top 10 Most Anticipated Movies of 2014 Top 10 Most Anticipated Movies of 2014 We hope you didn’t swear off popcorn for 2014! Welcome to and today we will count down our picks for the top 10 most anticipated movies of 2014. #10: “Transformers: Age of Extinction” There isn’t a more explosive way to start things off than with another round of Bayhem. . #9: “The Hunger Games: Mockingjay: Part 1”

PETERCUSHINGBLOG.BLOGSPOT.COM (PCASUK): KRISTEN STEWART IN 'EQUALS' : A YES IT IS / NO IT ISN'T BIG BROTHER '1984' REMAKE. Vincent Price Film Stage Actor Writer. Thomas Kretschmann cast as 'major villain' in Avengers 2. Weeks after it was rumoured he was joining the cast, Thomas Kretschmann - currently starring in NBC's Dracula TV show as Abraham van Helsing - has now apparently signed up for Joss Whedon's Avengers: Age Of Ultron. And it sounds like he's got a pretty important role. Kretschmann is set to play Baron Wolfgang von Strucker in the Avengers sequel, who is set to sit alongside James Spader's Ultron as one of the foes in the new film.

His role is being described as that of a 'major villain'. Furthermore, The Hollywood Reporter is saying that Kretschmann has - in the current Marvel tradition - signed up for multiple films. Avengers: Age Of Ultron is set to go before the cameras this year, for release in summer 2015. The Oscar Nominations 2014. Scott Cooper to Helm Whitey Bulger Film, Johnny Depp Circling Again. By Ethan Anderton January 14, 2014Source: Deadline After delivering the fantastically performed, but poorly concluded gritty drama Out of the Furnace, director Scott Cooper is heading into period drama territory.

Deadline has word that Cooper is currently in talks with Universal to rewrite and direct Black Mass, the biopic about Boston crime kingpin Whitey Bulger that once had Barry Levinson in the director's chair with Johnny Depp on board. Charlie Chan At The Wax Museum. Charlie Chan At the Race Track. Charlie Chan At the Opera. Charlie Chan At the Olympics.