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Here Are The States That Spend The Most On Public School Students. The National Center for Education Statistics on Thursday released its latest data on how much money states are investing in public school students.

Here Are The States That Spend The Most On Public School Students

NCES, an arm of the Department of Education, looked at each state's revenues and expenditures per pupil in public elementary and secondary schools during the 2011-2012 school year. The agency also presented data on school spending and revenues at the level of individual school districts. School revenue is defined as funds from "local, intermediate, state, and federal sources," while school expenditure refers to "all amounts of money paid out by a school system. " The graphics below outline some of the data's highlights. The first map shows which states spent the most per pupil in 2012. The data also showed that between fiscal years 2011 and 2012, most states' spending on education decreased. Finally, NCES looked at how much the country's largest school districts are spending on students. El único presidente latinoamericano con doctorado. ¿Tiene algún efecto concreto en la vida cotidiana de una nación que su presidente no sólo sea un graduado universitario sino que también se haya esforzado con una maestría y un doctorado en las universidades mejor rankeadas del mundo?

El único presidente latinoamericano con doctorado

Mi hipótesis es que sí. Me refiero al caso del presidente de Ecuador, Rafael Correa, el único presidente latinoamericano con un PhD, tal como se abrevia el doctorado en inglés. Correa y Ecuador reaparecieron en nuestro horizonte en medio del conflicto por las paritarias docentes. Fue cuando el vicegobernador de la provincia de Buenos Aires, Gabriel Mariotto, mencionó la posibilidad de considerar a la educación pública como "servicio esencial". No me voy a referir aquí a los Doctorados Honoris Causa, que responden a razones honoríficas, no estrictamente académicas. 151 Leading Sites for Elementary Educators. Today’s elementary school kids grew up in the digital age, and they love computer-based activities and learn from them easily.

151 Leading Sites for Elementary Educators

Learning and sharing online isn’t just for students though. There are hundreds of fantastic sites online to help elementary educators do their jobs as well. From educational videos to interactive games and even e-book publishers, classroom management advice, and teachable moments from teachers who blog, a driven elementary educator can find just about anything he or she needs among these 151 leading sites. The sites here aren’t listed in ranking order, as they all have different strengths and will meet different readers’ needs. They’re categorized for convenience, and every one of them is packed with great content. Many sites on elementary education do a good job of pulling together info from every class subject or just sharing advice on how teachers can work with the education system to provide the best learning experience to their youngsters.

Algunos apuntes sobre educación por Internet. La educación a distancia es una realidad evidente en nuestro país desde hace décadas.

Algunos apuntes sobre educación por Internet

Experiencias como la UNED ponen de manifiesto que estos procesos de enseñanza-aprendizaje son perfectamente posibles. Los resultados son igualmente satisfactorios en comparación con los presenciales tradicionales. La llegada de Internet supuso un giro de tuerca a los modelos establecidos. Estos iban desde la escucha de programas de radio, a las consultas telefónicas con los profesores en un horario concreto del día y la elaboración de pruebas escritas presenciales. La Red trajo la construcción de comunidades virtuales de aprendizaje. En algunos desarrollos formativos vamos a empezar a utilizar Moodle como punto de encuentro con los participantes en los mismos. El problema llega al unir Moodle y nuestra forma de entender la práctica educativa. En el fondo, Moodle es un sistema de control. La supuesta revolución que Internet podría traer a la enseñanza aún no se ha producido. Periodic Table for Beginners. Chemical reactions The 90 naturally occurring elements form the ingredients of everything and everyone, combining in countless ways to form anything from solid rocks to ethereal gases, from scorching acids to the living cells in our body.

Periodic Table for Beginners

David takes viewers on a journey through the periodic table as he explores the chemistry used to predict the behavior of atoms anywhere in the universe. Each element has unique properties and can be combined in a multitude of ways to compose everything in the universe, including the stars, the planets, and all living things. But what are the elements, where did they come from and how do they shape our modern way of life? David travels the globe, from St Petersburg, where Russian scientist Dmitri Mendeleev first cracked the code of the elements in the 1860s, to a facility in Florida where researchers are testing the possible use of rare earth metals in repelling sharks.