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Nintex for Office 365 – Document generation with repeating section | HanseVision Blog. At the end of the last year Nintex released a new workflow action for Office 365 called “Document Generation”. This action offers the opportunity to create documents based on a definable template with all the information that is gathered while the workflow is running (If you’re interested in the announcement you can find it here).

After the release I’ve asked myself whether it is the possible to get the information of a repeating section (created with Nintex Forms for Office 365) into a document via the “Document generation” action. The answer is yes and in this blog post I’m going to show you how this can be achieved. The focus of this blog post will be the workflow including the „Document Generation“ action, but for a better understanding I will also describe the other aspects of my scenario. First, I create a custom SharePoint list called „Orders“ with a choice column „Product“ that includes different products and a multiple text column called „OrderedProductsandQuantity“.

<? Read the recurring event and calculate the date of next occurrence using Nintex – Part 2 | My Learnings. In my previous post Reading the recurring events in a SharePoint calendar using Nintex – Part 1, I discussed how the data gets structured in the XML format when a calendar event happens to be recurring. Now let us focus on how to extract the required information from that XML and calculate the next occurrence of the event.

This will enable us to send reminder emails to the users before the event. You ought to have a lot of patience since there is quite a lot of work posted here. Be persistent! Assuming that my calendar has below recurring events (The calendar name is DeadlineCalendar) Create the below workflow variables, we will need all of them one by one as we proceed Step 1: Query calendar list using XML and get “recurrence data and start time” in collection variables The XML used is Ensure to change the list id to your list’s GUID by going to the CAML editor view. The output (variable OutputColl) will look like below Step 2: Separate the recurrence data from the collection Step 5: Log data.

Tech Blog: Scheduled Workflows in Office 365 | Nintex Community. As many of you are aware our product teams are working hard in extending the capabilities of Nintex Workflow for Office 365. Some features might currently be missing but will certainly make it to the product soon. In the meanwhile, most of the features you might miss can still be implemented, simply by thinking a bit outside the box. One of these features is scheduled workflows. In this post I will show you how you can use existing workflow actions, SharePoint features and quite simple logic to allow workflows to run on a schedule power users can easily maintain themselves.

What do we need? I provided the templates for the following as part of this post. A SharePoint List The list will contain one item per workflow you want to schedule. Workflow Title - The name of the scheduled workflow;Schedule Frequency - Specifies the time in-between workflow runs. The Workflow The provided workflow template can be used as a base for each scheduled workflow you want to create.