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Web Design & Development

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Introduction to Animating in HTML. Over the last few years, designers have begun to use a lot of animations directly within HTML.

Introduction to Animating in HTML

That’s kind of cool, as you don’t need a plugin in order to see their work. There are several ways to make animations in HTML and in this article I will summarize a lot of examples and techniques for creating animations directly in HTML using both JavaScript and CSS. Using GitHub Pages To Host Your Website. So you want to launch a simple website but don’t want to have to go through the dull process of setting up yet another hosting package.

Using GitHub Pages To Host Your Website

There is an easier solution. If you just want to launch a simple static website you can use GitHub Pages to host your site for free. Lets get started.

Colors, Palettes, Textures, etc

Charts. JQuery & JS. Ruby. IE Bugs and Fixes. Ajax. Photoshop. PHP. Various. Wireframes. CSS. Icons. HTML. Mobile - RWD. Layout. CMS. Fonts - Typography. Regular Expressions. Inspirational Sites. Symfony2.