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Marijuana and Hemp

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Watch the amazing change when this woman with cerebral palsy smokes pot. I'm ex-military, got jacked up while in, can't walk without a cane although I'm supposed to use crutches (it's both feet/legs).

Watch the amazing change when this woman with cerebral palsy smokes pot

I've been through every sort of therapy from shock to acupuncture and nothing has worked for the pain. At one point I was on Vicodin, Imitrex, Zomig, Tramadol and a bunch of other things all at once, because military docs. After finally noticing what was happening, I stopped cold turkey and went through about 3-4 days of horrid withdrawals where I couldn't eat, drink or breathe in too deeply without throwing up. After I got medically separated I was on my own, military didn't want to pay me, VA was still processing my claim. One of my buddies who'd gotten out before me talked me into smoking some weed. My issue: I live in Florida and I'd get arrested for what I have to do to stay off prescription meds. The Marijuana Diet? Scientists find link between pot smoking and weight loss  Spiders On Drugs. Spiders On Drugs Scientists at the United States National Aeronautics and Space Administration (NASA) have turned their attention from the mysteries of the cosmos to a more esoteric area of research: what happens when you get a spider stoned.

Spiders On Drugs

Their experiments have shown that common house spiders spin their webs in different ways according to the psychotropic drug they have been given. Nasa scientists believe the research demonstrates that web-spinning spiders can be used to test drugs because the more toxic the chemical, the more deformed was the web. * Spiders on marijuana made a reasonable stab at spinning webs but appeared to lose concentration about half-way through. * Those on Benzedrine - "speed" - spin their webs "with great gusto, but apparently without much planning leaving large holes", according to New Scientist magazine. * On chloral hydrat, an ingredient of sleeping pills, spiders "drop off before they even get started". * See what happens to their mental state. Teen Marijuana Use May Show No Effect On Brain Tissue, Unlike Alcohol, Study Finds.

A teen who consumes alcohol is likely to have reduced brain tissue health, but a teen who uses marijuana is not, according to a new study.

Teen Marijuana Use May Show No Effect On Brain Tissue, Unlike Alcohol, Study Finds

Researchers scanned the brains of 92 adolescents, ages 16 to 20, before and after an 18-month period. During that year and a half, half of the teens -- who already had extensive alcohol and marijuana-use histories -- continued to use marijuana and alcohol in varying amounts. The other half abstained or kept consumption minimal, as they had throughout adolescence. The before-and-after brain scans of the teens consuming typically five or more drinks at least twice a week showed reduced white matter brain tissue health, study co-author Susan Tapert, neuroscientist at University of California, San Diego, told HuffPost. This may mean declines in memory, attention, and decision-making into later adolescence and adulthood, she said.

Part of that still-developing brain tissue is where decision-making ability comes from, which can exacerbate substance use. Cannabis For Infant's Brain Tumor, Doctor Calls Child "A Miracle Baby" Medical marijuana is gaining acceptance, but could it even help kids?

Cannabis For Infant's Brain Tumor, Doctor Calls Child "A Miracle Baby"

Dr. William Courtney has seen it happen, and on Friday, told HuffPost Live host Alyona Minkovski about it. Saying he was "quite a skeptic 5 or 6 years ago", Dr. Courtney continued that "my youngest patient is 8 months old, and had a very massive centrally located inoperable brain tumor. " The child's father pushed for non-traditional treatment utilizing cannabis. "They were putting cannabinoid oil on the baby's pacifier twice a day, increasing the dose... The tumor was remarkably reduced after eight months of treatment. Watch the full segment at HuffPost Live. Medical Pot For Kids. US~Observer - Industrial Hemp Production The Revolution America Needs to Prosper. Industrial Hemp Production The Revolution America Needs to Prosper Share This Article By Devvy Kidd It seems all we hear is more begging for Congress to create jobs.

US~Observer - Industrial Hemp Production The Revolution America Needs to Prosper

There is no authority for Congress to create jobs other than those critically essential to support the military, the courts, congressional overhead and in areas specifically enumerated under Art. 1, Sec. 8 in a supporting role. As we can all see over the decades, pork spending creates nothing but more debt. Stealing from all of us, not to create jobs, but give the illusion the voter sanctioned criminal syndicate out in Washington, DC, is "doing something.

" 14 - Henry Ford's first Model-T was built to run on hemp gasoline and the car itself was constructed from hemp!