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Flipped Classroom Network

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Flipped Model For Social Studies.pdf. Goal of Flipped Class Videos: Content Delivery or Skill Development? It recently occurred to me that since I began flipping my world history course in January, each of my screencast lectures have had one overarching goal: content delivery. This has proven tremendously useful and the early results, considering both assessment scores and student feedback, are encouraging.

Transitioning some of my direct instruction (content delivery through lecture) to video has helped students understand some of the major events and themes from world history, but I realized what I should shift my focus towards: building social studies skills! Since most of our class time is now spent working on such skills, I now have a better understanding of their ability to engage in such learning experiences. In sum, I overestimated many of their abilities.

For example, we recently worked on evaluating the historical significance of cold war events. Then, it dawned on me. We also realized that there were several other benefits to creating skills based screencasts… Bamboo Capture | Wacom Americas. Katie Gimbar's "Flipped" Classroom. Professional Development. Driscoll-class.wikispaces. Teacher Vodcasting and Flipped Classroom Network - A professional learning community for teachers using vodcasting in the classroom.