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VC. Productivity. UI/UX. Search. iGaming Platforms. Requirement Management. Analytic Software Platforms. Email CRM. Language Service Market Research. LSP. CAT. OCR. Software. Project Management. Finance. Global Intelligence. CRM. Language Learning. Social Network/Community. Mobile Apps. Explore Later. Startup. Agile. Armenian. Sportsbook. Fluidr / Today's Explore. The Curious Side of the Web. Feb 07 2014 Responsive Images is a topic far from resolved.

The Curious Side of the Web

Will it be the picture element as proposed by the W3C or will it be the srcset attribute as proposed by WHATWG in the end? No matter what time will bring, responsive images are a problem that needs to be solved today and not sometime in the future. Smashing Magazine — For Professional Web Designers and Developers. Planning Ahead: Ways to Improve Your Web Design Workflow. If you're looking to up your game as a web designer, the planning phase is probably the single most "bang for your buck" skill-set that you could work on.

Planning Ahead: Ways to Improve Your Web Design Workflow

Sometimes it seems that in the dizzying world of web design blogs, roundups, and screencasts, people just skim over the part of the process that makes everything else possible. This post marks the first in a series where we'll be examining the "planning" phase in web design. The goal: to better understand the role that planning plays in design; when it's effective, and when it's wasted. Why Plan At All?


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