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Tridion GUI Extension – Who Did It? Tridion 2011 provides us with great possibilities to improve the user experience for our Authors and Editors using GUI Extensions.

Tridion GUI Extension – Who Did It?

We can add new items to the context-menu, new icons to the ribbon, or even new tabs in the edit screen of a Component. PowerShell script to create blueprint tree. Confessions of a Tridion Fan Boy. The Problem A client recently asked for a product demo.

Confessions of a Tridion Fan Boy

They had specific scenarions to be followed, including the creation/insertion of mathematical equations. The sample content suggested that they wanted the equations to be displayed inline with textual content. In other words, the equations would need to be added to the source of a rich text field. How to purge old versions. Hi.

How to purge old versions

Today I am going to write about how to Purge old versions in Tridion. Tridion 2011 has Purge tool which allows you to delete old versions of items. You probably have seen and used it. In Tridion 2011 SP1 we provided a new method for Tom.Net API. You can find "PurgeOldVersions" method in session.SystemManager class. This method can be called only bt Administrator. Binary Event Tracker. The Binary Event Tracker ensures that Multimedia Components in Tridion show the correct publish state, no matter if they've been published explicitly or implicitly or whether they've been removed.

Binary Event Tracker

On this page: Implicit and explicit publishingUnpublishing binariesWhat does this extension change? How does this extension work? How to install this extension Implicit and explicit publishing. CSS3 Content Filter Using negation pseudo-class. Asier Fernández: Creating a MM Component using TOM .NET API. Peter Kjaer (SDL) Peter Kjaer (SDL) When working with Contacts in Audience Manager, you will often need to loop through a list of Contacts and perform some action.

Peter Kjaer (SDL)

There’s a couple of things you need to know about that, which are not immediately obvious: Any list of Contacts is streamed from the database. This means that your database connection is open while you loop over the Contacts.Due to a limitation in the objects we use to stream the Contacts, you cannot do another database operation while they are being streamed.Not all of the data for a Contact is loaded.For most lists, only the first 1000 Contacts will be returned. Most of those points are for performance reasons, so that the system is able to handle millions of Contacts. December 2011. The well-known part Since Tridion 5.3 was born, we dived into Modular Templating.

December 2011

If you have seen our trainings on Modular Templating or if you have just read about best practices on this field, you'll probably know that we emphasize on the fact that modules should be built in a way that code and design are well separated. So if you are using Dreamweaver (DW) and .NET Template Building Blocks (TBB's), the DW should be kept simple and contain the HTML output while most logic should go into your C# code. This best practice keeps your templates neater and as a result more maintainable. String Writer. Pimping out the Tridion 2011 Service Pack 1. We're getting ready to launch Service Pack 1 in the coming weeks, so I thought it would be a good time to start pimping it out.

Pimping out the Tridion 2011 Service Pack 1

What's new with Service Pack 1 New & improved installer (with flashy images while installing :)) User Generated Content (aka Community Builder) is integrated into the platform Translation Manager is also integrated into the platform, and now includes support for both World Server and Translation Management System Content Manager Changes Grouping of items in CM calls - You can now read multiple items from the database with a single TOM.NET or CoreService call, instead of having to retrieve them individually. Description fields are now included in GetItems and GetListItems calls, not requiring you to load the full objects before reading this property. New "Ancestors" calls: You can get the whole hierarchy of "parent" items with one simple call: GetAncestors or GetListAncestors. Extending Content Delivery Storage in SDL Tridion 2011 (1) This tutorial guides you through extending the new Content Delivery Storage Layer with Tridion 2011.

Extending Content Delivery Storage in SDL Tridion 2011 (1)

Introduction I was recently asked to perform a search integration where Tridion would publish content into a Search Indexer. Part of this integration consists in taking the published content and store it into a relational DB. The indexer would then pick it up from this DB and push it into the Indexer. Using Splunk with SDL Tridion. I’ve been recently playing with Splunk and I wanted to share the experience I am having so that you too can play with this cool tool.

Using Splunk with SDL Tridion

What is Splunk? I think the chaps from Splunk explain that the best… Splunk is the engine for machine data. Use Splunk to collect, index and harness the fast moving machine data generated by all your applications, servers and devices — physical, virtual and in the cloud. Search and analyze all your real-time and historical data from one place.Splunking your machine data lets you troubleshoot problems and investigate security incidents in minutes, not hours or days. Cool… but then why is this nice?

Adding SDL Tridion (of course) as a data source Splunk takes multiple sources of log data and the usual list of candidates are web server (in my case, IIS) logs and Windows Event Logs. Developing with ASP.Net MVC and Tridion by on Prezi.

Image Map extension for SDL Tridion

2011 SDL Tridion GUI Extensions - Hiding Commands. Pre-Introduction Before the deployer storage layer (JPA) was introduced in the 2011 release, the most common way to extend the deployer was, well, extending the deployer J.

2011 SDL Tridion GUI Extensions - Hiding Commands

Basically you’d extend the Modules and Processors available within the cd_deployer_conf.xml configuration file. Nononsenseguide - tridion-2011-power-tools - Step-by-step instructions for people who know what they're doing - Tridion Power Tools. Confessions of a Tridion Fan Boy. Recently I’ve been working on a GUI extension that involves determining the URL of a published Page and the shortening it using bitly.

For the use case I have in mind it doesn’t make sense to get a new short URL every time the extension functionality is called for a specific Page. This means I needed a way to persist the shortened URL, so it could be reused as and when needed. I knew some of my colleagues had solved the problem in extensions they’d developed so I put the question to them. Remove HTML whitespace from the template output. Using an SDL Tridion Template Building Block to create cleaner SEO friendly HTML.