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Driver's Ed GT - Free Online Racing Games at LogLod. Drivers Ed 2 in Parking Games at Y'All Play Games. 2D Driving Simulator. Drivers ed study to use computer simulators. SPRINGBORO — A group of new drivers at Springboro High School is being enlisted by Miami Valley Hospital in a study measuring the effectiveness of computer simulators in driver education. The hospital plans to use data gleaned from comparing driving records of students using the simulators with students left to learn to drive through traditional methods to advance research in the use of technology to improve driving skills and reduce traumatic injuries through crashes — the No. 1 killer among those 15 to 24 years old. The study is funded by a $16,000 injury prevention grant from the Ohio Division of EMS. In February, Springboro students, with parental permission, will join the study at the high school.

Shaun Hamilton, manager of the Dayton hospital’s Injury Prevention Center, will oversee the study of 50 to 100 Springboro students, all with a driver’s license for less than a year. Dr. “We may have to find another way,” Hamilton said. Driver's ed gets 21st-century update. By Larry Copeland, USA TODAY CUMMING, Ga. — In the back of a second-floor classroom at West Forsyth High School, four students in driving simulators approach stop signs, heed the speed limit and confront the mysteries of four-way intersections. The simulators — including three computer screens that comprise the windshield, a steering wheel, turn signals, foot pedals, an ignition and gear lever — assess students as they "drive" and score them at the end. For many of these students, it's their first "behind the wheel" experience.

"I think it's a good alternative to actually driving the real thing," says Travis Keeler, 15, a 10th-grader who's never driven. "It does a good job of preparing me to drive. These things are pretty strict. If you mess up, it's going to fail you, but you learn the rules of the road, what to do at intersections, things like that. " Driver's education during the school day has become a rarity in the USA.

Driver's ed in the modern era doesn't come cheaply. Virtual Driver Interactive.