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Exoplanets. Letters to an Absent Father Explores the Softer Side of the Pokemon Journey [Comic] Despite the mountain of licensed manga released over the course of Pokémon’s ongoing 15 year multimedia reign, there are a few questions stemming from US localized anime protagonist Ash Ketchum’s life that continue to haunt fans: Where’s his dad?

Letters to an Absent Father Explores the Softer Side of the Pokemon Journey [Comic]

Those who grew up following Ash and Pikachu’s exploits have their own theories on his father’s identity ranging from a generic absentee pokémon trainer to someone more sinister, but the bottom line is fans will probably never know the real story. Aiming to fill this gaping plot hole, artist Maré Odomo created Letters to an Absent Father, a Game Boy-sized minicomic that frames Ash’s experiences through touching and presumably unanswered correspondence with the faceless Mr. LAB RAT. The following is an actual question given on a University of Washingto... - StumbleUpon.

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The illustrated guide to a Ph.D. Imagine a circle that contains all of human knowledge: By the time you finish elementary school, you know a little: By the time you finish high school, you know a bit more: With a bachelor's degree, you gain a specialty:

The illustrated guide to a Ph.D.

Saturday Morning Breakfast Cereal.

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