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Expanding Chemical Reactions

Super Human Stunts through science. Costume. Firejars. Kinect-Controlled Tesla Coils: The Evil Genius Simulator. Hydrophobic Sand. Ferrofluid. Ferrofluid on glass, with a magnet underneath.


Ferrofluid has been submersed in sugar water. Sugar has been added to increase the density of the water to the point where the ferrofluid appears weightless A ferrofluid (portmanteau of ferromagnetic and fluid) is a liquid which becomes strongly magnetized in the presence of a magnetic field. Ferrofluids are colloidal liquids made of nanoscale ferromagnetic, or ferrimagnetic, particles suspended in a carrier fluid (usually an organic solvent or water). Each tiny particle is thoroughly coated with a surfactant to inhibit clumping. How to Make Fluorescein from Highlighter Markers. iPhone充電ケーブル. This floating black ball is the creepiest thing you'll see all day. Top 10 Mad Science-Worthy Chemistry Experiments. Chemistry is a fascinating science, but it's often taught poorly in today's boring schools.

Top 10 Mad Science-Worthy Chemistry Experiments

Here's how chemistry should be taught: by mad scientists! Here's Neatorama's list of the Top 10 Mad Science-Worthy Chemistry Experiments: 1. Briggs-Rauscher Reaction [YouTube Clip] The most common phobia you've never heard of.