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BBC Sherlock series Benedict Cumberbatch play online games. Online skull tetris: Moriarty's Death Match Game Online battleship game: Moriarty's Cheating Death You are Sherlock's agent: BBC Sherlock - Phone game Action game: BBC Sherlock - Shoot the Smileys Online skill game: BBC Sherlock - Hopping Skull Memory game: BBC Sherlock - Safe Cracker Online driver game: BBC Sherlock - London Cab Driver Game Logic game: BBC Sherlock - Sugar, Sugar Online logic game: BBC Sherlock - Lights Out Game Molly Hooper - PATHOLOGIC GAME Molly Hopper - PathoLogic Game Mycroft Holmes - The Gentleman Adventure game: Common misbeliefs: - just click and read The figure of Sherlock Holmes, the detectivedoes not get damaged when he is placed into the modern age Sherlock Holmes was homosexual - Johnlock Sherlock had Asperger's syndrome Sherlock is a "high functioning sociopath" Sherlock was an emotionless machine Benedict Cumberbatch is the first sexy Sherlock Holmes These are all misconceptions.

Other misbeliefs: The most common misconceptions about Sherlock Holmes Free full online games. Jigsaw Puzzles by Puzzle Baron. Top 10 des curiosités linguistiques de la langue française (et inutiles, c’est vrai) La langue française et ses curiosités... Peut-être pas des heures de rigolade en perspective, mais très sûrement de quoi trouver une alternative crédible aux sujets touchant "Secret Story" ou aux efforts linguistiques de Samir Nasri. A placer pendant vos dîners en ville.

L'anagramme de "chien" fait "niche" Et "Chine" aussi. Et c'est bien connu, le Chinois mangent des chiens. Et vous, voyez-vous d'autres curiosités qui font toute la richesse de la langue française ? Word Search: Random Words (Medium) Learning English - Quizzes. Quizz Grande Bretagne. Flash Hangman Games. English Vocabulary Word Lists with Games, Puzzles and Quizzes.

This is a collection of English vocabulary word lists with online activities that use these word lists. Instead of studying the word list first, you can choose which game you want to play, then choose the set of words. Any Device - No Special Requirements Every Other Letter Game See a word with every other letter missing, guess what the word is, then see the answer. First & Last Game See a word with only its first and last letters, guess what the word is, then see the answer. No Vowels Game See a word without the vowels, guess what the word is, then see the answer. No Consonants Game See a word without the consonants, guess what the word is, then see the answer.

Fun With Words > The Wordplay Web Site. Vocabulary Games, English Vocabulary Word Games. Word Drop Game (Flash) Vocabulary contest. Vocabulary games. Text Talk: the Top Text Message Abbreviations, 2014.