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OpChemtrails sur Twitter : "Hope u can join us for this Weds 24hr Storm; marking #OpChemtrails 52nd #Tweetstorm STOP #chemtrails #GeoEngineering. OpChemtrails sur Twitter : "Please Copy any Tweets to your TL. This helps us to reach more people. #OpChemtrails #ChemTrails... When you talk too much for Twitter. World's First EPA Public Hearing on Chemtrails! Speak Now! Chemtrails Explained: The Geoengineering SRM Field Experiment. OpChemtrails sur Twitter : "World's First @EPA hearing on flight pollution #OpChemtrails #Chemtrails #GeoEngineering. World's First EPA Hearing on Jet Pollution August 2015! Jim Lee versus the EPA on Chemtrails. Help Jim Lee attend EPA hearing by Jim Lee. Please help me with travel expenses (gas, food, lodging) and equipment (video camera, SD cards, and batteries) so I can attent the EPA public hearing on flight pollution , August 11, 2015 in Washington D.C.

Help Jim Lee attend EPA hearing by Jim Lee

Last December, I told you about the EPA's decision to consider regulating flight pollution for the first time in history. On June 10, 2015, the EPA announced that they intend to regulate Greenhouse Gas emissions from jet planes under the Clean Air Act. While this is a huge step forward in addressing the health concerns posed by skies covered in chemical clouds, the proposed regulations do nothing to address three important areas: rogue geoengineering, bio-accumulation of cancer-causing fuel additives, and the potential environmental damage from the use of aviation biofuels to combat contrails. I intend to present this evidence at that hearing and I encourage you to attend if you are able.

Plane Exhaust Kills More People Than Plane Crashes. Right Relevance: Search or Login for deep topical relevance. Re-branding Geoengineering: Climate Intervention and Gatekeeping. Chemtrails Explained: Aluminum and Barium. Chemtrails Explained: Aluminum and Barium. FICCA_poster_Partanen_COOL.pdf. Talking to the FAA about Chemtrails. Hate Chemtrails? ACT NOW! Earthjustice sues EPA! Happy New Year! Jim Lee sur Twitter : "Hate #Chemtrails? ACT NOW! @Earthjustice sues @EPA! Hate Chemtrails? ACT NOW! Earthjustice sues EPA! [EDITOR’S NOTE: Call the EPA, submit comments even though they are closed, and hold their feet to the fire!

Hate Chemtrails? ACT NOW! Earthjustice sues EPA!

We can put an end to contrails, chemtrails, or whatever you want to call them today! Behold the power of winning!] As Aircraft Emissions Skyrocket, EPA Looks Into Regulation For First Time On Thursday, the Environmental Protection Agency took a step towards adding aircraft emissions to the list of regulated pollution sources. In a statement the EPA said it will study the issue of greenhouse gas emissions from aircraft, the first step in the regulatory process, and release its findings by next April. More info here: Joe Dougherty Office of Air and Radiation, 1200 Pennsylvania Ave., NW., Washington, DC 20460; Telephone number: (202) 564–1659; Fax number: (202) 564–1543; E-mail address: Dougherty.Joseph-J@epa.govAir and Radiation Docket and Information Center, Environmental Protection Agency, Mailcode: 2822T,1200 Pennsylvania Ave., NW., Washington, DC 20460.

The Real Chemtrail Disclosure Just Happened! (Before It's News) 2014 is at an end and as I look back over the last year of looking up, I feel we are finally making some progress.

The Real Chemtrail Disclosure Just Happened!

I began talking about the chemical trail problem over two years ago and my sole focus has been “What in the World are the Spraying?” Today, though I know more about the particulars of aviation fuels and additives, I am left with more questions than answers. Between the toxic substances in aviation fuel, acid rain, global warming concerns, and public outrage, the question I most want answered is: How do we introduce some clarity and accountability in the world of aviation pollution? It is now clear to me that many jet fuel additives contain trade secret substances and carcinogenic chemicals. Stadis 450 Barium Salt [MSDS trade secret][MSDS full]TRIMETHYLBENZENE (SARA 313) 10 – 30% TRADE SECRET POLYMER CONTAINING SULPHUR 5 – 10% TRADE SECRET POLYMER CONTAINING NITROGEN NAPHTHALENE (SARA 313)“R-11 Highly flammable.

In the late 1980s, as part of the U.S. Chemtrails, Contrails, and Climate Change. “Believe nothing you hear, and only one half that you see.” – Edgar Allan Poe If you remove all the slavespeak from the debate, Chemtrails and Contrails are both terms referring to clouds made by jet aircraft.

Chemtrails, Contrails, and Climate Change

I choose to use the term “contrail” while debating scientists because using the word “chemtrail” may cause them to discount the value of my words. I choose to use the term “chemtrail” while engaging the public because using the word “contrail” tends to get you labeled as a debunker and may cause them to discount the value of my words. Both chemtrails and contrails are high-level descriptors meaning they are highly argumentative and have different meanings based on the individual.

However, the terms chemtrail and contrail are not alone: ChemtrailsPersistent ContrailsSpreading ContrailsContrail CirrusContrail Induced CloudinessAviation Induced Cloudiness (AIC)Aviation Induced CirrusInduced Cirrus CloudinessMan-made cloudsArtificial Clouds “There are three sides to every story. Chemtrails and the Lies between the Lines. “Believe none of what you hear, and half of what you see” – Ben Franklin If you have not heard by now, or looked up at the sky in the last ten years, there is a big fuss over little white lines.

Chemtrails and the Lies between the Lines

Aircraft have created contrails (below) for well over 40 years, however recently these frozen pollution plumes are gaining visibility in a big way. [1], [2] The internet is buzzing with rumors of secret agendas and global depopulation schemes by devious government officials using “chemtrails” sprayed from commercial airliners. As incredulous as this claim may sound, we have attempted to find a definitive answer to the question “Why in the world are they spraying?” And the answers may shock you. Sulfuric Acid from Aviation and Ship Tracks may be higher today than Geoengineering SRM would require in 2020. The internet is filled with claims that “aviation based-contrails and ship tracks are used to geoengineer the sky.”

Sulfuric Acid from Aviation and Ship Tracks may be higher today than Geoengineering SRM would require in 2020

The following list, which I have compiled over the last year, is a compilation of referenced quotes of scientists conspiring to use commercial aviation or ship tracks to geoengineer the climate: Scientists saying creepy stuff: Ship tracks – real color MODIS Terra Corrected Reflectence Bands – January 30 2014 - Climate Viewer 3D. The End of Chemtrails - Aviation Climate Change Concerns at the FAA. CVRadio - Chemtrails, Contrails, and Public Relations.

Aviation Climate Change Concerns

Health Effects. Biofuels. Aviation Fuel Additives. Jet Fuel Grades. More Research. Weather Modification. Weather Modification, Geoengineering, and Global Climate Control. The most extensive research on Geoengineering and Weather Modification experiments worldwide, with articles, maps, and timelines to fully expose the hidden world of Weather Control.

Weather Modification, Geoengineering, and Global Climate Control

This page is a table of contents for Jim Lee’s research on Geoengineering. Jet Fuel Consumption, Price, and Expenditure Estimates, 2012.