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Mod_Rewrite Variables Cheatsheet. We've figured out what mod_rewrite variables look like so we can create rewrite rules and condition patterns based on the actual value. This cheatsheet is where we'll lay them all out for quick reference. This cheatsheet changed my life. Here the focus is on identifying mod_rewrite variables and defining the limits of the module by checking the mod_rewrite source code.

List of Mod_Rewrite Variables ^ HTTP Variables SSL Variables Variable Values and Examples ^ RewriteCond %{API_VERSION} ^(.*)$ RewriteRule .* AUTH_TYPE: Digest RewriteRule .* - [E=IN_AUTH_TYPE:%{AUTH_TYPE}] RequestHeader set AUTH_TYPE "%{IN_AUTH_TYPE}e" CACHE_CONTROL: max-age=0 CONNECTION: keep-alive CONTENT_LENGTH: (null) CONTENT_TYPE: (null) DOCUMENT_ROOT: /web/webroot/ RewriteCond %{DOCUMENT_ROOT}/cache%{REQUEST_URI}/index.html -f RewriteRule . HOST: HTTP_ACCEPT: text/html,application/xhtml+xml,application/xml;q=0.9,*/*;q=0.8 RewriteCond %{HTTP_COOKIE} ^.

IS_SUBREQ: false pattern. Configuring SSH (Secure Shell) on HostGator. One of the great things about HostGator is that it offers SSH (Secure Shell) on its shared hosting plans. For most users, SSH may seem unnecessary, but having access to it is extremely useful. If you are concerned about security, for example, SSH can be used along with FTP to enable secure file transfers via SFTP (secure file transfer protocol) or SCP (secure copy protocol). It also prevents unauthorized access to your server and files because all login credentials are encrypted. (Logging in also requires a person to have a private key.) Alright, so how do you set it up on HostGator?

Setting up SSH on HostGator 1. In the past, HostGator required a copy of a valid photoID in order to enable SSH. Use the handy SSH request formrequest it by emailing HostGator supportopen a HostGator live chat window and have an operator set it up 2. Log into your HostGator cPanel and navigate to SSH / Shell Access under the Security heading. Connecting to Your Server via SSH Wrong Port Number. Drupal 6 – Creating Activity Stream with Views Custom SQL Query: Merging multiple views – Part 1. » Hosting Git repositories, The Easy (and Secure) Way. Update (12-12-2010): For additional features not present in gitosis, check out gitolite. Update (08-10-2008): For topics not covered here, I encourage everyone to read the gitosis README, bundled with the distribution. There is also an example.conf configuration file that illustrates more features than I have covered here. I have been asked more and more these days, “How do I host a Git repository?” Usually it is assumed that some access control beyond simply read-only is involved (some users have commit rights).

With access control comes issues of security, and that’s a whole other bag of cats. This post is about presenting an answer to this question, without the fuss. The rest of this article will be a tutorial showing you how to host and manage Git repositories with access control, easily and safely. Assumptions: I take my examples from a Ubuntu Linux server. Enough talk, let’s get down and dirty. Install gitosis Notice that gitosis is extremely light-weight.

Next, install it like so: or.


CSS Sprites: Image Slicing’s Kiss of Death. Back when video games were still fun (we’re talking about the 8-bit glory days here), graphics were a much simpler matter by necessity. Bitmapped 2-dimensional character data and background scenery was individually drawn, much like today’s resurgent pixel art. Hundreds and later thousands of small graphics called sprites were the building blocks for all things visual in a game. Article Continues Below As game complexity increased, techniques developed to manage the multitude of sprites while keeping game play flowing. And what does this have to do with the web?

Everything old is new again, and though the rise of 3D games has made sprite maps obsolete, the concurrent rise of mobile devices with 2D gaming capabilities have brought them back into vogue. Specifically, we’re going to replace old-school image slicing and dicing (and the necessary JavaScript) with a CSS solution. How do CSS Sprites work? Let’s start with the master image itself. On to the HTML. Applying the CSS#applyingcss. Setting up a local web server on OS X Snow Leopard 10.6 | George Butler Web Design. MAMP is great. It’s an easy way to host your PHP/MySQL site locally for test­ing and devel­op­ment. But, if you want to take advan­tage of Snow Leopard’s built in web server capa­bil­i­ties, OS X makes it easy. Go into Sys­tem Pref­er­ences > Shar­ing, and check the “Web Shar­ing” box.

That’s it. Test it. PHP and MySQL will now need to be setup for a full func­tion­ing local host. Open up Ter­mi­nal (Applications->Utilities->Terminal) and type: sudo nano /etc/apache2/httpd.conf Go to this line #LoadModule php5_module libexec/apache2/ and uncom­ment the line by remov­ing the hash character LoadModule php5_module libexec/apache2/ After sav­ing the file (Control+O) and exit­ing (Control+X). Sudo apachectl restart cd /etc sudo cp php.ini.default php.ini sudo chmod 666 php.ini sudo nano php.ini Find this line and remove the semi-colon ;date.timezone = and add your own time­zone. Date.timezone = America/Halifax You’re halfway there. And replace /var/mysql/ with /tmp/ Joomla Project Costing | Joomla. Simon Woodside | Software development. This is mainly devoted to software: code I've written, stuff I've written about my code.

There's projects I've contributed code to, and some project ideas that don't have code yet too. Older stuff There's also some older stuff here, including Bottlenose, a native HTML/javascript UI, and Telepresence, videoconferencing, and FractalTrees X, toy fractal software, and Riven Sound Hack, some ancient Java Software found elsewhere Semacode : practical ubiquitous computing - URL barcodes and ubiquitous computing and all that stuff. Open ICT - intended to provide infrastructure for ICT development all over the world. Documentation and manual : Question types. LimeSurvey allows users to quickly create intuitive, powerful, online question-and-answer surveys that can work for tens to thousands of participants without much effort. The survey software itself is self-guiding for the respondents who are participating. This manual is thus focused at how to install the application, administer the installation, and support survey creators, administrators and report generation users alike.

There has been a big ramp-up in development the last few years leading to many new features and changes. Make sure to upgrade to the latest version to make use of the capabilities highlighted here. Look to the far right for the main chapters of the manual. Still having trouble finding what you want? Remember that LimeSurvey is an open-source, free software application.

If you want to add new translations or correct a translation please follow these instructions: How to translate LimeSurvey 1.x/2.x. Cult of Mac | Apple News, Reviews and How Tos.

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