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Controversial. Articles & Blogs. Misc., Lists & Whatnot. LDS (Mormon) Catholic. Jehovah's Witness. Scriptures. History. The Trial of Christ. Sacred Texts Christianity Buy this Book on Kindle Contents Start Reading Page Index Text [Zipped] Could Jesus have gotten off on a technicality? Mr. Breed, a Missouri attorney, presents the brief for acquittal, and then withdraws his plea--on the basis that Jesus is fulfilling an ancient prophecy, and must die anyway, to save mankind. He points out major discrepancies between Jewish and Roman legal procedures and the gospel accounts.

For instance, the Sanhedrin, the Jewish supreme court, would never have met on the Sabbath, nor condemned a man to death on the same day as his trial. Why care about this, the ultimate moot point? Some will say that Breed's conclusion is undermined by his evidence. Title Page and Front MatterForewordAcknowledgementTable of ContentsChapter I. Death of Christ. Deity of Christ. Christian Doctrine of Sin. Christian View of God and the World. An Examination of Seven Apparent Contradictions in the Bible.

Brief Declaration and Vindication of The Doctrine of the Trinity.