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Occupy Wall Street

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NYC Protest for World Revolution. Econophysicists Model Tax Evasion in a Country-Sized Population  Tax evasion is a serious problem for many governments.

Econophysicists Model Tax Evasion in a Country-Sized Population 

In Greece, the more or less ubiquitous avoidance of tax has brought the country to its knees and the European Union to the verge of collapse. So there’s more than a little interest in understanding the way this behaviour spreads and how to combat it. In recent years, economists have turned to computational models to help. Occupy Wall Street. Occupy Wall Street (OWS) is the name given to a protest movement that began on September 17, 2011, in Zuccotti Park, located in New York City's Wall Street financial district.

Occupy Wall Street

The Canadian, anti-consumerist, pro-environment group/magazine, Adbusters initiated the call for a protest. The ensuing series of events helped lead to media awareness that inspired Occupy protests and movements around the world. In awarding Workhouse its Platinum Award, industry publication PRNews noted "The results, obviously, have been spectacular.

Meta Video: Law & Order's "Occupy Wall Street" Set Occupied By Actual Occupiers.