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1970s. The 70's. Britain in the 1970's. 1970s The 1970s decade refers to the years from 1970 to 1979 It was the decade of the Space Hopper, the Ford Cortina, Raleigh Chopper bikes, the record player and cassette recorder. It was a decade of strikes - postal workers, miners and dustmen. It ended with the 'winter of discontent' in 1979 when ITV went off the air for five months. A three-day week was imposed during February 1972 to save on electricity at the start of the miners strike. During the summer of 1976 the weather turned so dry that water supplies reached critical low levels.

In 1977, the whole nation celebrated the Queen's Silver Jubilee with street parties. 64% of homes had a washing machine 1974 - First domestic microwave cooker was sold 1978 - VHS video recorder went on sale 1979 - Sony began selling the Walkman personal stereo People could now watch television programmes in colour. 1971 - 91% of families had a TV 1972 - Newsround started In 1971 Britain went decimal. 1971 - Population of Britain = 54 million. Seventies Nostalgia. Cult - I Love the 1970s. American Cultural History - 1970-1979.