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Yannickoo's sandbox: Image Style Exclude. Cafuego's sandbox: Image Mobile Camera. - (Private Browsing) - (Private Browsing) Drupal PM is a project management tool, allowing easy management of work across a team within an intranet or other Drupal website. - (Private Browsing)

The tool is set up as a suite of modules, each providing a particular type of functionality: Organizations, Teams, People,Projects, Tasks, Tickets, Timetrackings, Notes, Invoices, and Expenses. Each module provides permissions to control the sharing of data with other Drupal users (check permissions carefully if using alongside other content access modules), and based on assignment of projects/tasks/tickets to particular users or teams. All of the above includes support for views and token. Try out the Project Management module Resources For more information on the Project Management module, or to get involved, please visit the Project Management homepage or one of the following links: Extensions System Requirements You will also need to install the following components in order to use PM: Printer, email and PDF versions (print) - (Private Browsing) This module generates a print friendly page by using the javascript window.opener.document object to display the content of specified CSS IDs. - (Private Browsing)

It isn't aware of nodes, blocks, views, or drupal entities of any kind and it doesn't care about them. It can display anything with a CSS ID regardless of how it was generated in Drupal. It has been tested on Safari, Chrome, Firefox and IE (v.7 to v.9). - (Private Browsing) Overview The Comment Easy Reply module tries to speed up the way users reply to existent comments, giving each comment a sequential number. - (Private Browsing) - (Private Browsing) Taxonomy Menu Block allows you to make blocks containing unordered lists that represent the structure of your vocabularies, creating a menu out of your taxonomies (without using Drupal's menu system). - (Private Browsing)

TMB combines the idea of Taxonomy menu with the workings of Menu block: Make multiple menus per vocabulary. " - (Private Browsing) jQuery Update. - (Private Browsing) The Word Link module allows you to automatically convert specific words into links. - (Private Browsing)

It works with the fields of your content types. This can be useful for crossposting your site's pages, or for the contextual advertising of your partners (SEO). - (Private Browsing) This module allows you to select a content type which can be "exported" to raw HTML for the purposes of inclusion in a newsletter or mass mailing program such as CiviCRM or MailChimp. - (Private Browsing)

The major difference between this and a module like HTML Export is that it only exports an individual nodes HTML and not that of the entire web page. A template file is provided to allow you to completely customize the output of your fields. As well, a new view display "newsletter" is also created so you can create unique markup just for the newsletter export. A typical usage is to create a newsletter content type and use entity references to include regular website content such as articles, events and blog posts. Each of these can have their layout customized by changing the newsletter view mode for each content type. - (Private Browsing) Overview Scrollbar is a very simple Drupal module to implement the jScrollPane javascript functionality to your Drupal and make the css selectors get a custom jQuery scrollbar. - (Private Browsing)

Requirements Libraries Installation Donwload the module and exctract it to the modules directory.Go to the jScrollPane download page and then follow steps A to C below (B is optional). Project Links. A small module, defining a block for use when referencing projects, by default, projects on

Project Links

The default block (appears in the footer when you next visit admin/build/blocks) says: Drupal Project LinksProject Homepage | Issues Queue | Usage Statistics Or for a module: Captcha Project LinksProject Homepage | Issues Queue | Usage Statistics | Reviews on Drupal Modules. - (Private Browsing) In normal rendering of Drupal form fields, the field's "description" (i.e., its help text) gets placed below the form's input element, which is not necessarily the most useful place to place it. - (Private Browsing)

On textarea form fields that enable multiple input formats, for example, the field's help text gets placed below the text format selector and tips. This means that website users are unlikely to notice and read the help text. A number of attempts have been made to come up with ways of theming Drupal form fields to reposition the description, but none of these approaches works consistently with all form elements.

This module attempts to provide a more comprehensive, flexible and simpler-to-implement solution: a second help field that will appear directly below the form element's label. The screenshots below illustrate how this "label help" text appears higher in a textarea form so it appears directly below the field's label. Profile 2. Designed to be the successor of the core profile module, which is deprecated for Drupal 7.

Profile 2

In contrast to the deprecated module this module provides a new, fieldable 'profile' entity - leverage the power of fields! Requirements Entity API - Version 1.0 beta 9 or later! Comparison to user account fields As described in the documentation Drupal 7 allows adding fields to user account pages - what serves as simple way for building user profiles. With profile2 user account settings and user profiles are conceptually different things, e.g. with the "Profile pages" module enabled users get two separate menu links "My account" and "My profile".Profile2 allows for creating multiple profile types, which may be assigned to roles via permissions (e.g. a general profile + a customer profile)Profile2 supports private profile fields, which are only shown to the user owning the profile and to administrators. Superfish. XML sitemap.

The XML sitemap module creates a sitemap that conforms to the specification. This helps search engines to more intelligently crawl a website and keep their results up to date. The sitemap created by the module can be automatically submitted to Ask, Google, Bing (formerly Windows Live Search), and Yahoo! Search engines. The module also comes with several submodules that can add sitemap links for content, menu items, taxonomy terms, and user profiles. Please read the included README.txt, the handbook documentation, and the current list of known issues for more information before using the module. Development roadmap. Mollom. Mollom is an intelligent content moderation web service. By monitoring content activity on all sites in the Mollom network, Mollom is in a unique position to determine if a post is potentially spam; not only based on the posted content, but also on the past activity and reputation of the poster.

In short, Mollom handles incoming posts intelligently, in much the same way a human moderator decides what posts are acceptable. Therefore, Mollom enables you to allow anonymous users to post comments and other content on your site. How it works Machine learning. Mollom audits the content quality by defining it across three dimensions: Spam, Ham, and Unsure: Ham is considered positive content and automatically published.Spam is negative content and automatically blocked.Unsure is anything in between.

Mollom is currently used by more than 60,000 sites, including Sony, Adobe, LinuxJournal, Warner Bros Records, NBC, and others. More information. Krizalys's sandbox: Source Code. Source Code is a module for Drupal 7 that defines a Source code node type. Nodes of this type are intended to contain source code: their data is composed of a programming language (from a list of over 200 languages) and the actual lines of code, as a raw block of plain text. Upon rendering nodes of this type, the source code is syntax-highlighted using GeSHi.

A typical use of this module is to combine it with Advanced Entity Tokens and Token Filter to allow the insertion of source code snippets directly into more descriptive posts. Requirements The Source Code module requires the following: Installation Make sure that the latest stable version of the libraries module is installed on your Drupal 7 website. You then have to get the latest version of the GeSHi library and extract it into your sites/all/libraries folder. Configuration Go to Administration » Modules » Source Code » Configuration (admin/config/content/source_code), and select: Removal Known issues. Freakachoo's sandbox: sshot. The S-Shot Screenshots module uses the service to fetch and display thumbnails of web pages. The module is a view widget for the Link module. Simply go to the display management page and select the "Sshot thumbnail" format. ImageCache Actions.

This module provides a suite of additional image effects that can be added to image styles. The image styles admin submodule also adds the 'duplicate', 'export' and 'import' actions to image styles administration. Effects provided Watermarking - a much requested addition that enables you to place any image anywhere over a source picture, with alpha transparency Overlays - Add photo-corners etc to the image Text overlay - add a short copyright notice to your image, using available system fonts Color-shifting - Colorize images.

Also invert. Brighten/Darken Alpha blending - turn an image into a transparent mask, and back into a flat image against another color Canvas manipulation - add padding, either onto color or transparent backgrounds Background (underlay) - Place your image onto another source background File Format switcher - If you need tranparency in JPGs : make them PNG.