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Know about Business Insurance from Pinc Insurance Online. Get to Learn about the Section 80D in detail from Pinc Insurance. Here's How You Can Save Tax on Health Insurance with Section 80D Investing in a good health insurance policy, with high sums assured, enables you to concentrate on your treatment without worrying about its costs. It offers a sense of financial and emotional relief.

Understand the Engine Protection Cover in-depth at Pinc Insurance. What is engine protection cover in car insurance? While purchasing a car insurance policy, you have two choices – either choose the third party limited liability insurance policy or a comprehensive insurance policy. While the former type of insurance has been made mandatory by the Government of India as per the Motor Vehicle Act of 1988, the latter is an all-round policy which includes third party insurance, while also providing legal and financial cover.

Such plans also come with a wide range of additional riders, one of which is an engine protection cover. Let’s find out more about this in the article. Have a Look at the NCB Insurance from Pinc Insurance. What is NCB in motor vehicle insurance? Buying motor insurance has become mandatory in India and you must have a valid insurance policy if you want to drive on Indian roads. However, most car owners consider buying insurance as an added expense. Those who have existing policies, on which they’ve not filed claims, believe that this expense can be avoided. However, it is always advisable to find a way in which your insurance premiums can be reduced considerably.

Take a Look at the Roadside Assistance from Pinc Insurance. What is Roadside Assistance in car insurance?

Take a Look at the Roadside Assistance from Pinc Insurance

If you are looking for complete coverage for your car, then it is recommended that you invest in a comprehensive car insurance policy. When you buy a comprehensive insurance policy for your vehicle, you also have the option of purchasing different types of add-on riders by paying an additional premium, one of which is a roadside assistance cover. But what exactly is this rider, and what does it cover? Check out the Full Form of IDV at Pinc Insurance here. What is IDV in Car Insurance?

Check out the Full Form of IDV at Pinc Insurance here

Although a car is considered an investment, it comes with a substantially high price tag. To top it all, buyers have to factor in the additional costs such as registration charges, road taxes and maintenance of the vehicle – all of which are mandatory. Explore the Car Insurance Claim Online by Pinc Insurance. How to Claim Car Insurance?

Explore the Car Insurance Claim Online by Pinc Insurance

If you own a car, you should know that buying car insurance is mandatory in India, as per the Motor Vehicle Act of 1988. All car owners are obligated to buy a third-party insurance policy. However, if you require full coverage, you can invest in a comprehensive car insurance policy featuring different additional riders. Irrespective of the type of plan you purchase, you should be aware of the claim-filing procedure. Find out how to claim car insurance under different circumstances in this article. Learn How to Claim Health Insurance Online by Pinc Insurance.

Posted on Mar, 2020 How To Claim Health Insurance? Health insurance covers you against a wide variety of costs incurred during treatment – from hospital admission to surgeon fees and pre and post-hospitalisation to ambulance charges. Read What is PA Cover in Bike Insurance by Pinc Insurance. Posted on Mar, 2020 What Is PA Cover In Bike Insurance? A motorcycle is one of the most common vehicles you will ever see in India, owing to the wide range of population who loves it.

The reasons for owning one might be many – everyday travel, fortnightly rides or even just for the sake of having one. Know Zero Depreciation Bike Insurance Online at Pinc Insurance. Posted on Mar, 2020 All About Zero Depreciation Bike Insurance Bike insurance protects your two-wheeler against various roadside scenarios. Incidents like road accidents can lead to a great deal of damage to your vehicle. At such a time, you can encash your insurance policy and file an insurance claim. The insurer reimburses you after deliberating the damages and the current market value of your vehicle. Get to Know about Property Insurance by Pinc Insurance. Property Insurance & Engineering Insurance Business owners running businesses in which machinery plays a vital role must insure their assets against unexpected business losses. Business functioning can be interrupted due to the breakdown of machinery, fire-related accidents to the warehouse or plant, and due to delays caused by suppliers, manufacturers, or contractors.

A property insurance policy helps business owners cover various plant related policies under one umbrella. We leverage our knowledge and experience in the property sector to provide cost-effective insurance solutions. Understand Risk Management Insurance Online by Pinc Insurance. Risk Management Insurance For a growing business in today's globalized world, having a robust risk management process is vital.

Understand Risk Management Insurance Online by Pinc Insurance

Businesses are required to work towards creating continuous preventive measures to avoid risks results in monetary loss to the company. Have a Look at Insurance Claim Management at Pinc Insurance. Take a Look at the Credit Insurance Online by Pinc Insurance. Credit Insurance A growing business requires smooth functioning and constant cash inflows. Financial burdens may arise in case of faulty debtors in case of selling goods on credit. This is where having a trade credit insurance is vital for businesses working on credit payments. A trade credit insurance enables a business to continue functioning smoothly in case of unforeseen failure of one or more customers. Check out the Cyber Insurance in-depth at Pinc Insurance. Cyber Insurance Companies of all sizes and sectors are highly exposed to various cyber risks that are emanating due to heavy dependence and reliance on digital platforms and the Internet of Things (IoT). Despite adopting the best IT security practices, many organizations frequently experience breaches in their IT infrastructure which is a result of an increased level of sophistication in the cyber hacking tools.

As digital domination increases, a company needs to ensure its data is protected against such malicious attacks. We, at Pinc Insurance, provide our customers with the most effective cyber risk solutions on the grounds of our extensive research by the specialty team encompassing each and every sector across the globe. Explore the Transit Insurance in detail from Pinc Insurance. Transit Insurance In today’s globalized economy companies operate with large scale logistics. Cargo weighing in tonnes is transported across states lines and country lines. Marine cargo insurance provides full coverage against damage or loss to cargo sent by sea, road, rail, or air.

We, at Pinc Insurance, are a Lloyd’s of London licensed insurance broker. Learn about the Liability Insurance Online by Pinc Insurance. Liability Insurance Policy Liability lines require extensive expertise across industrial segments.

Learn about the Liability Insurance Online by Pinc Insurance

Over the years, we, at Pinc Insurance have developed and institutionalized knowledge on various lines such as management liability, professional indemnity insurance, employment practices liability insurance, and complex contractual liabilities. The legal and regulatory environments constantly evolve, and the insurance marketplace of financial and casualty lines of business fluctuate on different dynamics with respect to capacity, retentions, and international claims.

We, as a team is consistent on updating our knowledge on such dynamics to provide the best possible solutions to our clientele. This policy covers: Read about the Reinsurance Online from Pinc Insurance Today.