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Themelios from The Gospel Coalition. Journal of Theology. STR Journal. Study Under Pastors Reformed Presbyterian Theological Seminary Alumni. +1-412-731-6000 The link below will connect you to the RPTS YouTube channel, where a variety of sermons, webinars, conferences, and other resources from RPTS professors and students are available.

Study Under Pastors Reformed Presbyterian Theological Seminary Alumni

Chapel sermons from faculty, guests, and students are updated regularly. Click here to go to the RPTS YouTube channel. The Reformed Presbyterian Theological Journal Other Resources Sex, Sin & Salvation: God's Grace in a Fallen WorldThe Alliance of Confessing Evangelicals will be providing audio recordings of the plenary and breakout sessions. Bryan J. RPTS eNewsletter(May 2016) Hospice, Death and Youby Dr. In the event that the link does not take you directly to the article due to an issue with your browser, please scroll to page 56 of the PDF, where the article begins. REmaker Work Conference Articleby Mark Sampson (RP Witness, November/December 2015) The President's Memorandum from Dr. Transcripts of credits will be given only after all outstanding balances have been paid. Puritan Reformed Theological Seminary (PRTS)

Each file of the Puritan Reformed Journal is formatted to correspond to the print edition so pagination is preserved.

Puritan Reformed Theological Seminary (PRTS)

This allows each reader to confidently use these electronic publications for accurate citation. Volume 7 Issue 1January 2015. Journal of Theology. Mid-America Journal of Theology. For web posting, a link to the document on our website is preferred.

Mid-America Journal of Theology

Any distributed copy must contain the following statement: By [author’s full name] © [date] Mid-America Reformed Seminary. Website: E-mail: Phone: 219.864.2400. Unsolicited articles and book reviews are accepted for consideration for publication. The editors of the Mid-America Journal of Theology and the Faculty and Board of Mid-America Reformed Seminary are wholeheartedly committed to the Holy Scriptures as the infallible and inerrant Word of God and, in conformity with that Word, to the ecumenical creeds of Christendom (the Apostles’, the Athanasian, and Nicene creeds), and to the following Reformation confessions: the Belgic Confession, the Heidelberg Catechism, the Canons of Dort, and the Westminster Confession of Faith. Journals Archive - The Master's Seminary.

Volume 26, Number 2 Fall 2015 Download Journal Individual Articles.

Journals Archive - The Master's Seminary

The Council on Biblical Manhood and Womanhood (CBMW) The Journal of Missions and Evangelism. Training Leaders International - Journal of Global Christianity. Journal of Discipleship and Family Ministry. Credo Magazine. Now - Christian Counseling & Educational Foundation. CCEF Now 2016 features articles from four of our faculty members and an interview with one of our contract counselors—David Powlison, Ed Welch, Winston Smith, Alasdair Groves, and Melissa Clemens.

Now - Christian Counseling & Educational Foundation

Serving a broad spectrum of students through CCEF courses has opened a fresh angle on our mission. These students vividly illustrate that there are two kinds of love that are part of every Christian’s calling. We are all called to practical giving through mercy ministries that extend tangible help to people in need, but we are all called to wisdom- giving through constructive personal conversations. Everyone needs relevant, encouraging, life-rearranging truth that connects the dots from Christ to our daily lives. In other words, good deeds and good words are both part of walking in the Lord.

The articles in this issue of CCEF Now address both ministry of mercy and ministry of wisdom-giving. We are grateful for the support we receive from our donors! Journal : 9Marks. Sermons by John Piper. Where to Begin Reading at How does one come to faith in Jesus Christ?

God opens our eyes and we see. He unplugs our ears and we hear. He softens our heart that we may believe (Deut 29:4, 30:6; Ezek 36:26. John 6:63, 65 & 37). First Time VisitorsGetting your feet wet. here are a few core resources we recommend to first time visitors.Man's Utter Inability to Rescue Himself by Thomas BostonHuman Inability by Charles Spurgeon, 1858Adversity by Terry JohnsonGod's Part and Man's Part in Salvation by John ReisingerA Divine and Supernatural Light by Jonathan EdwardsThe Pelagian Captivity of the Church By R. 1: New Christian: First Steps What is a Christian? If God is currently doing a work of grace in you or if He has already opened your heart to the gospel, these resources will help you begin to better understand the basics of Christianity and/or your new life in Christ.

What is the Cost of Being a True Christian?