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Rene H Pimentel

Personal injury attorney serving Riverside and San Bernardino Counties. If you have had an accident, call us at (951) 788-2250 for a free consultation. 30 years experience.

How to Know if You Have a Good Case of Workers’ Compensation. What to Do When You’re Injured at Work — Back to Workers’ Compensation Basics. Search For Qualified Brain Injury Attorney. Claiming Workers Compensation Benefits for Sexual Harassment & Hostile Work Environment. Personal Catastrophic Injury Attorney In Riverside. Top Legal Workers Compensation Attorney. Document Your Claim Workers Compensation Attorney. Best Brain Injury and Head Injury Attorney Center. Common Workplace Injuries That Every Employer Should Know. Hire a Workers Compensation Injury Lawyer. Hire a Workers Compensation Injury Lawyer. Carpal Tunnel Syndrome and Workers Compensation. Personal Catastrophic Injury Attorney. Find Out Best Wrongful Death Lawsuit.

Document Your Claim Workers Compensation Attorney

The Existing Laws on Lost Wages for Work Injuries. Best Brain Injury Law Center and Attorney. Professional Brain Injury Law Firm Near You. Brain injuries are some of the most devastating injuries to the body.

Professional Brain Injury Law Firm Near You

Brain injuries are particularly terrible as it can result in cognitive disabilities, coma or death. There are many types of accidents that can lead to brain injuries, many of which are due to the negligence or recklessness of another. For example, a slip and fall on a wet floor, faulty playground equipment, vehicle accidents, construction site accidents, birth injuries, exposure to toxic chemicals and many other possible causes.

Such an injury can last a lifetime, and thus any claim for damages must be approached carefully with the full details of the case. As your family’s future is at stake, the case must be carefully developed and documented when a lifetime of care may be needed. When another person or corporation’s recklessness or negligence results in devastating injuries, it is helpful to others in the community that such individuals or corporations face their responsibilities.

Personal Catastrophic Injury Attorney

California Workers’ Compensation - Changes in the Law. The recent changes in California workers’ compensation law have had an enormous impact on workers.

California Workers’ Compensation - Changes in the Law

While insurance companies found those updates beneficial, many workers found them nothing less than a piece of frustrating news. With the increase in the total amount spent out per workers’ compensation claim throughout the nation, California law has significantly reduced the number of medical benefits given to workers for their claim. On April 19, 2004, the then governor of California, Arnold Schwarzenegger, approved Senate Bill 899 (SB899), bringing the most radical change to California workers’ compensation law. The bill stated that injured employees could no longer receive treatment from a medical professional of their choice. Instead, they must get treatment in the employer’s workers’ comp insurance carrier medical provider network (MPN) during the claim process. Receiving proper treatment has become a lengthy process and often times a nightmare.

Experienced Traumatic Brain Injury Lawyer

Professional Catastrophic Injury Lawyer Consultant. How To File A Workers’ Compensation Death Claim. Temporary And Permanent Disability Benefits Under Workers’ Compensation. Experienced Traumatic Brain Injury Lawyer at Your Area. Hire Professional Construction Injury Attorney. Need Workers Compensation Attorney for Legal Assistance.

Employers will be Liable for Workmen Compensation for Sexual Harassment by Non-employee Trespasser. Sexual harassment at work is a traumatic experience for the victim.

Employers will be Liable for Workmen Compensation for Sexual Harassment by Non-employee Trespasser

Individuals may experience a range of symptoms like physical and mental health problems, career interruptions, and even lower earnings. Additionally, incidents of this nature also tarnish the reputation of the employer with serious negative legal implications. Although Title VII of the Civil Rights Act of 1964 and California’s Fair Employment and Housing Act (FEHA) prohibits sexual harassment at workplace calling it a form of sexual discrimination, in many situations, employers were able to avoid lawsuits against them by their employees because of a legal concept that said that the misconduct attributes liability to the employer when the harassment is committed by a co-worker.

However, an employer may now be held liable for sexual harassment by non-employee trespasser. M.F. v. In M.F. v. Workers’ Compensation Eligibility: Are you Eligible? Workplace injuries are common.

Workers’ Compensation Eligibility: Are you Eligible?

According to the Occupational Safety and Health Administration (OSHA), approximately 4,674 fatal injuries were reported in 2017, out of which more than 20% occurred at construction sites. The number of non-fatal workplace injuries is even higher, which is enough to stress the importance of workers’ safety. Needs Of Workers’ Compensation Attorney. You’ve been injured at work and are planning to file a claim for your loss.

Needs Of Workers’ Compensation Attorney

Well, you probably thinking that getting the right compensation from your employer or insurance company is easy; unfortunately it’s not. Why? Because they do not always have the best interest of the injured; insurance companies are infamously known to try and lower the claim amount, tricking the injured to settle for less. Accident Procedures To Incorporate At a Construction Site.

Medical Help From Employer's End. Your employer is obligated to provide you with all reasonable and necessary treatment for your injury.

Medical Help From Employer's End

Your employer is required to notify you of your rights under the Medical Provider Network (MPN) if there is one. If your employer has established one and has notified you of this at the time of your injury, then you must see their doctors. However, if they fail to provide you with a doctor or fail to notify you of your rights under the MPN system, there may be instances when you can see your own doctor or a doctor that your attorney has referred you to. In addition, if prior to your injury, you notified your employer in writing that you designate your personal physician, that doctor can treat you from the date of the injury. The Best Personal Injury Attorney in Riverside CA. Permanent disability partially compensates an injured worker for the residual handicap, helping him/her return to the labor market.

The Best Personal Injury Attorney in Riverside CA

These payments are to start within 14 days of the last temporary disability payment and continue until a reasonable estimate is paid. Late payments are to be increased by 10%. For injuries after January 1st, 2013, payments rage from $230 to $290 per week. Find The Perfect Workers Compensation Law Firm. Best Workers Comp Lawyer In California. The Workers' Compensation Claim Process In California. Find The Best Workers Compensation Attorney In California. Find The Best Workers Compensation Lawyer In California. Hire Best Workers Compensation Attorney In California.

Hire The Right Brain Injury Attorney In Riverside County. Hire Best Workers Comp Injury Attorney In Riverside, CA. Find Workers Compensation law firm In Riverside. Best Construction Accident Lawyer In Riverside County. Find The Best Workers Compensation lawyer In California. Hire The Best Workers Compensation Attorney In Riverside CA. Best Workers Compensation Lawyers Firm In Riverside, CA. Need To Hire Workers Compensation Injury Lawyers.

Sometimes workplace injury claims are straightforward and employees get the benefits to which they are entitled under the law.

Need To Hire Workers Compensation Injury Lawyers

On those occasions, the system that has been set up to handle such cases does its job well. However, there are many instances when things are not as straightforward. Employers may raise an issue that the employee was not on the clock when the accident happened. Injuries that need long-term treatment and care are also a reason for disputes between employees and employers. Hire The Best Workers Compensation Attorney. Best Auto Accident Attorney in Riverside, Ca. If you have been involved in a car accident, you are one of the millions of drivers, passengers, pedestrians and cyclists that are injured in traffic accidents every year.

Best Auto Accident Attorney in Riverside, Ca

This office represents auto accident victims throughout all of the Inland Empire including San Bernardino and Riverside counties and more. We can meet with you to discuss the particulars of your accident to determine how we can help you seek justice and recover the financial compensation you rightfully deserve. If another driver's negligent conduct led to your accident the law firm of Rene H. Pimentel Inc. can take immediate action to recover the money you need for medical care, lost wages, emotional trauma and possibly other damages as well.

We are also experienced in handling auto accident claims that involve defective auto parts, negligent truck drivers or trucking companies, motorcycles, ambulances, and public transportation. Best Workers Compensation Law Firm In Riverside County. Hire The Workers Compensation Lawyers In Riverside County. Get The Best Accident Attorney In Riverside County. Workers Compensation Attorney In Riverside, California. Contratar al abogado de lesiones de construcción en el condado de Riverside. Como con cualquier tipo del empleo siempre hay un riesgo de lastimadura, pero cuando esto involucra un lugar de la construcción el riesgo es enormemente aumentado debido a los peligros inherentes en la construcción.

Contratar al abogado de lesiones de construcción en el condado de Riverside

Aunque esto sea la responsabilidad de aquellos responsables del proyecto de asegurar que todos los procedimientos de seguridad estén en lugar ha sido encontrado que negligencia todavía pasa, a menudo con resultados horrendos. Sólo puede tomar un momento de falta de atención o comportamiento descuidado por el otro para causar lastimaduras serias. Los ejemplos serían el resbalón y el accidente de caída, la electrocución, heridas debido a accidentes de equipo pesados o materiales tóxicos derramados. Si este ha sido el caso, es fuertemente aconsejado que tome pasos para proteger los derechos legales para usted y su familia y consultar con un abogado de lastimadura personal así como un abogado de compensación al trabajador.

Hire The Catastrophic Injury Lawyer To Defend For Your Rights. A catastrophic injury is generally defined as an injury that is so severe that you are not expected to medically recover entirely. Examples of this type of injury could be paralyzing injuries, traumatic brain injuries, scarring injuries, burn injuries, disfiguring injuries or other similar types of disabilities. If you or someone you love has been catastrophically injured, you could be able to obtain financial compensation. Your personal injury attorney will attempt to get you compensation for: Find The Wrongful Death Lawyers In Riverside County. “Nothing can replace your loved one, but seeking compensation for a wrongful death can lessen the financial burden.” - Anonymous There is nothing more painful in this world than losing a loved one in the family. It fills your heart with sadness and sorrow. If anyone in your family has recently lost his/her life because of sheer negligence of another person, you should immediately hire a wrongfuldeath law firm In Riverside County.

The lawyers working in these agencies are experts and carry years of experience in handling such cases. The attorneys know that it’s a hard time for your family and you need guidance on how to take the next step. Hire The Brain Injury Lawyer For the health and Recovery. Contratar al mejor abogado de compensación de trabajadores de Riverside. Sé que hay muchos abogados para elegir cuando usted necesita la ayuda legal debido a una lesión en el trabajo o a un accidente de auto. Hire Lawyers In Riverside County To Claim For The Wrongful Death. Workers' Compensation Lawyer in Riverside. In addition to the death benefit, the employer is liable for the employee's reasonable burial expenses.

The statutory maximum for the burial allowance is $5,000 for injuries occurring on or after January 1, 1991. The amount of the death benefit is determined by the number and kind of dependents at the time of the injury that results in the employee's death. If there are two total dependents (regardless of the number of partial dependents), the death benefit is $290,000 if the injury occurs on or after January 1, 2006; If there is one total dependent and one or more partial dependents, the death benefit is $250,000, plus four times the amount of annual support for partial dependents, but not in excess of a total of $290,000, if the injury causing death occurs on or after January 1, 2006; If there is one total dependent and no partial dependents, the death benefit is $250,000 if the injury occurs on or after January 1, 2006; Don't hesitate to contact the the Law Office of Rene H.

Traumatic Brain Injury Attorney In Riverside County. Traumatic Brain Injury is undoubtedly one of the most damaging injuries that can happen to a person. In the US alone, nearly 2.8 million people suffer from TBI annually, out of which 50,000 people lose their lives and a large proportion suffers from permanent disability. TBI is usually the result of a bump, jolt, or blow to the head that interferes in the normal functioning of the brain. A TBI can put a person in a coma and lead to many other cognitive disabilities making the person’s life difficult. If you are suffering from TBI and someone else is to blame, it’s important that you take legal action against the person responsible. Not only will it give you peace of mind, it will also provide you with compensation for your loss.

If you want specialized professionals to do the legwork for you, Rene H. Hire Traumatic Brain Injury Attorney. Traumatic Brain Injury is undoubtedly one of the most damaging injuries that can happen to a person. In the US alone, nearly 2.8 million people suffer from TBI annually, out of which 50,000 people lose their lives and a large proportion suffers from permanent disability. TBI is usually the result of a bump, jolt, or blow to the head that interferes in the normal functioning of the brain. A TBI can put a person in a coma and lead to many other cognitive disabilities making the person’s life difficult. If you are suffering from TBI and someone else is to blame, it’s important that you take legal action against the person responsible. Not only will it give you peace of mind, it will also provide you with compensation for your loss.

Hire Traumatic Brain Injury Attorney In Riverside County and Get Yourself the Peace of Mind. Why should you hire a workers comp injury attorney? How can a construction accident lawyer be beneficial? A construction site is a risky work environment. Working on a construction site surrounded by complex machinery, workers become prone to inherent risks and dangers. According to recent statistics, people working in construction industry are more prone to hazards and accidents than others. It comes with physical and financial hardships.

While working in such high-risk zones, it is important to maintain discipline and follow regulations. It is necessary to keep in view the industry standards to prevent the occurrence of tragic accidents. Construction site injuries hits hard financially. Consult Construction Accident Lawyer in Riverside. Find Workers Comp Injury Attorney in Riverside. Hire Expert Wrongful Death Lawyers in Riverside, CA. Brain Injury Attorney In Riverside County. Hire Construction Accident Lawyer. As with any type of employment there is always a risk of injury, but when it involves a construction site the risk is greatly increased due to the inherent dangers in the construction business. Although it is the responsibility of those in charge of the project to ensure all safety procedures are in place it has been found that negligence still happens, often with with horrendous results.

It can take just one moment of inattention or careless behavior by another to result in serious injuries. Examples would be slip and fall accident, electrocution, injuries due to heavy equipment accidents or toxic material spills. If this has been the case, it is strongly advised that you take action to protect the legal rights for you and your family and consult with a personal injury attorney as well as a workers compensation attorney. Get Workers Comp Injury Attorney. Find Construction Accident Attorney in Riverdside. Hire Workers Compensation Injury Attorney in Riverdside. Mejor Abogado de Lesiones en la Construcción en el Condado de Riverside. Best Wrongful Death Law Firm In Riverside. Virtually anyone may be the victim of an accidental death.

As an experienced accident and injury lawyer, Rene H. Pimentel has represented the families of numerous people who have lost their lives due to the negligent or wrongful conduct of another person. He understands that the untimely death of a loved one is one of the hardest ordeals for a family to overcome. Losing a child, parent, sibling, spouse, family member or significant other may result from the negligent acts or inattentive misconduct of the responsible party. The laws governing how to file for wrongful death are very specific.

Construction Injury Attorney in Riverside. Accidents can happen anytime at the construction sites despite the precautions and safety measures in place. Accidents can be fatal, but often times, even if the injury is not fatal, an injured worker will undergo financial loss. Workers Compensation Injury Attorney. A lot of emphasis should be given to the safety norms, security standards and the compliance with safety code of machines, tools, and other equipment used during construction and home-building activities. Construction Accident Lawyer in Riverside County. Accidents can happen anytime at the construction sites despite the precautions and safety measures in place. Catastrophic Injury Attorney In Riverside County. An injury, irrespective of what nature it is, is a challenge that can reduce the quality of anyone’s life.

Catastrophic injuries can be so severe that performing even the most basic day-to-day tasks become a challenge. Abogado de Compensación de Trabajadores en Riverside. Abogado especialista en accidentes de construcción en el condado de Riverside. Wrongful Death Lawyers In Riverside County. Workers Compensation Attorney in Riverside. Workers Compensation Attorney Riverside. Wrongful Death Attorney In Riverside County.

Construction Accident Lawyer In Riverside County. Auto Accident Lawyer In Riverside County. Workers Compensation Attorney in Riverside. Workers Compensation Attorney: A Friend in Need – Accident Attorney Riverside CA. Assume a situation, an accident, in fact, that happens to you at your workplace severely affecting your physical and mental competency. And, your employer denies your claim besides taking care of what has happened to you. Isn’t it a terrible situation? This is not surprising why one may need to seek the assistance of workers comp injury lawyers when a mishap at the workplace hits his life.

Things never come easy where money is the middleman. Construction Accident Lawyers In Riverside County. Catastrophic Injury Attorney In Riverside County. Accident Attorney in Riverside CA. Abogado de lesiones cerebrales traumáticas en el condado de Riverside. Find the Best Construction Accident Lawyer in Riverside County. Workers Comp Injury Lawyers. Best Workers Compensation Attorney in Riverside. The Best Automobile Accident Lawyer In Riverside County. Wrongful Death Law Firm In Riverside County. Find An Experienced Automobile Accident Attorney To Get Maximum Compensation For The Loss. Hire Expert Wrongful Death Lawyers In Riverside, CA.