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If You Don’t Get Social Media, Here’s What To Do About It. If you secretly feel hopeless about social media marketing, read on. You'll find a strategy that will get results. November 22, 2011 Do you stay quiet on social media because if you admit that you don’t get it, social media experts look at you like you have three heads? You are not alone. A lot of business owners feel that this marketing tool is beyond their understanding and will remain so. Focus on objectives, purpose and brand First, stop worrying about individual social media applications and tools, and get clear on the purpose of your business and your brand.

What does your business do for customers? Don’t over-think these questions, just jot down a few notes and thoughts. Think of social media applications as rooms Once you’re clear on your message and your talking points, imagine each social media application as a room at an event. When you walk into a bar, you might join a group of friends and chat with them. Give your business or your brand a voice Suggestions by business type Have fun. 8 Tips To Help Optimize Your Social Networking Pages. » The Theory Behind Social Interaction Design Johnny Holland. I view social interaction design as a field that seeks user-centric descriptions of experiences and behaviors on social media, with an eye on emergent social practices. I see user interactions as occurring between users, mediated by social tools — not as interactions with the tools only. Social practices, in the view of social theory, involve users who know what they’re doing, what’s going on, and how to participate.

Not on the basis of what’s on the screen, at the level of the interface and its design, but in terms of the social activity in which they are involved. Social theorists usually refer to cultural norms, traditions, routines, and so on to explain the reproduction of structures and systems of daily life. The Paradigm Shift I view social interaction design as a paradigm shift in design thinking for two reasons. When social interactions are mediated by software, design is structuring and organizing. Communication & Social Theory Interpretation has a special place in social media. Making the Most of Social Media Marketing – Links « Silicon Beac. Le SMO (Social Media Optimization) - Réussir son référencement Web 2011 - Journal du Net Solutions. « Les leviers à utiliser pour tirer le meilleur parti de son référencement se multiplient au fur et à mesure des années.

Il suffisait, il y a peu de temps encore, de proposer quelques textes dans ses balises meta pour être positionné dans les moteurs de recherche "classiques" et le tour était joué. Aujourd'hui, la quantité de méthodes qu'il est possible d'utiliser pour favoriser son référencement est quasi infinie. Parmi les derniers leviers apparus, les réseaux sociaux prennent une place de choix. C'est qu'avec les centaines de millions d'utilisateurs de Facebook et Twitter ou les millions de visiteurs uniques de Digg, le marché est plus que tentant pour les responsables marketing de tous bords. Comment tirer parti des réseaux sociaux dans une stratégie globale d'acquisition de trafic et de référencement ?

Mais comment fonctionnent au juste ces réseaux sociaux et comment en tirer parti dans une stratégie globale d'acquisition de trafic et de référencement ? Les 8 ?tapes d?une Strat?gie Social Media Efficace. « Si vous ne focalisez que sur les outils, et leurs dernières mises à jour, alors vous n’êtes certainement pas un stratège en Social Media ». Ça a été la première phrase de Jay Baer lors de sa présentation au #smss10 – où il a donné ces étapes sur lesquelles je base mon article – et pourtant elle avait déjà fait de moi un de ses plus grand fan. C’est en effet un des points qui me tient le plus à coeur: les réseaux sociaux « ne sont qu’un » canal de communication, leurs plateformes et outils ne sont que des supports. Pour savoir comment les appréhender, il ne s’agit pas d’être un geek ou d’avoir de bons flux RSS (bien que tout cela n’est pas incompatible…), mais de connaitre, et de savoir y appliquer, les principes de communication et de marketing.

Et s’il existe des fils conducteurs à une recommandation marketing, il en est de même pour les stratégies sociales. 1. 2. C’est certainement le conseil qu’on retrouve le plus souvent, car l’écoute est primordiale. Qui parle de vous? 3. 4. 5. 25 brilliant examples of Facebook brand pages. I love to see brands generating innovative, engaging and creative advertising online. Yet, I’m always surprised at how little effort companies put into Facebook from a creative perspective, especially given the noise they make about using the platform and the levels of engagement often put in.

Arguably, Facebook does have a static format that needs changing, but it’s not that difficult – or expensive – to come up with some great landing page manipulation through Facebook Markup Language (FBML)... And some brands are taking advantage of this, to great effect. Here are a few examples from our How to Create Amazing Facebook Pages guide... Here, I’ve skimmed through a few lists of top global brands and have picked 25 of the best. It’s worth noting that they’ve all created unique tabs within their company pages and these are the fixed landing points for the user, rather than the standard Facebook Wall. 1.Abercrombie & Fitch A&F has a simple advertisement for a current competition. 2.Best Buy.

Bien gérer sa réputation en ligne (agence Vanksen) Want to Succeed In Social Media? Recently, I've seen a lot of studies about the lack of success of small businesses in social media. In one eMarketer article alone they reference not one but two of them: Small businesses are not hitting it off with social media, according to an August 2009 study from Citibank. More than three-quarters of US small-business executives surveyed did not find social networks helpful for generating leads or expanding their business. According to an online survey by Internet2Go and MerchantCircle, 45% of small-business owners use Facebook to promote their business, and 46% have a Twitter account.

In total, 53% had created a social network profile. The article goes on to speculate that the lack of time or manpower may be the biggest impediment to success, but I think it runs much deeper than that. The reality of course is very different. The fact is - and try not to be too shocked here - the individuals and businesses that have the most success in social media have a strategy. Agree? 5 Levels of Effective Communication in the Social Media Age. Soren Gordhamer is the organizer of the Wisdom 2.0 Conference, which brings together staff from Google, Facebook, and Twitter with others to explore living wisely in our modern age.

Mashable readers can use code ‘Mashable‘ for a discount when registering. In the era of social media, our networks are much larger than they have ever been, and we have more ways to communicate with those in them. Even if you are not very active on Facebook or Twitter, my guess is that your sphere of communication has expanded significantly in recent years. Who you communicate with and how you communicate has changed radically. In the past we had a set of contacts, all of whom generally knew how to reach us — via phone, e-mail, or regular mail. Level 1: The Public Reply Just about everyone, including Bill Gates (who if you have not heard, recently joined Twitter), has learned the importance of having both a means to communicate with people, and a channel where people can respond. Level 2: The Direct Message. Social media landscape pour les marketeux.