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Conecte seu negócio. InterNey.Net - (In)formação e (In)utilidade. What I Learned From Steve Jobs. Many people have explained what one can learn from Steve Jobs. But few, if any, of these people have been inside the tent and experienced first hand what it was like to work with him. I don’t want any lessons to be lost or forgotten, so here is my list of the top twelve lessons that I learned from Steve Jobs. Experts are clueless.Experts—journalists, analysts, consultants, bankers, and gurus can’t “do” so they “advise.” They can tell you what is wrong with your product, but they cannot make a great one. They can tell you how to sell something, but they cannot sell it themselves.

They can tell you how to create great teams, but they only manage a secretary. Bonus: Some things need to be believed to be seen. How User-Generated Content Is Changing SEO. Cathy Halligan is the senior vice president of sales and marketing for PowerReviews. Prior to joining PowerReviews, she was chief marketing officer and vice president of product management and multichannel integration at Halligan also held executive positions at Williams-Sonoma, Gymboree and Lands' End. Google is at the social game again with the recent unveiling of Google+, a big bet for the company and an effort to show that it can keep up with Facebook in this increasingly important space.

However, it’s important to recognize that the launch of Google+ is not just a run at Facebook — it’s a reflection of the increasing importance the company places on social signals in how it indexes, ranks and presents information to consumers. And despite some well-publicized failures in the past, Google has already had some significant success in social that has eluded the media spotlight. Consider this: In April 2010, Google incorporated customer reviews in many places. The results: My Tickets. Guia WordPress 3 Parte9 – Plugins Posts Personalizados E Novas Taxonomias 1 | - Marketocracia Digital.

Olá caros leitores! Nesse artigo continuaremos a tratar sobre Posts Personalizados e Novas Taxonomias, porém da maneira prática. É de extrema importância que você conheça o novo recurso e suas capacidades e por isso a necessidade da leitura do último artigo. Hoje iremos utilizar o plug-in mais baixado do Diretório do WordPress: Repare que fiz uma pesquisa por ‘Post Type’ que é o termo original para esse recurso, retornando assim diversos plug-ins. Nós iremos utilizar o Custom Post Type UI, que já foi baixado mais de 43 mil vezes. O interessante desse plug-in que, além dos posts personalizados, também será possível adicionar novas taxonomias dentro do Painel de Administração do WordPress, totalmente em modo visual. Não iremos tratar aqui sobre a instalação e ativação do plug-in, mas em caso de dificuldade, leia os dois artigos indicados abaixo e tire todas as suas dúvidas: 1. 2.

O download do plug-in poderá ser feito diretamente do Diretório do WordPress. Usado o Custom Post Type UI. 15 Keyboard Shortcuts To Enhance Your PC Productivity. <h1 id="title">15 Keyboard Shortcuts To Enhance Your PC Productivity</h1><div id="author"><div id="name">Matt Silverman</div><div id="title">Associate Features Editor, Mashable</div><div id="bio"></div></div><div id="content"><p>If you fancy yourself a PC power user, you know how valuable it is to keep your hands on the keyboard. Constantly switching between typing and mousing can really slow you down when you're powering through that TPS report.

</p><p>Lucky for you, the wizards at&nbsp;<a href=" built some time-saving (if little-known) keyboard shortcuts into their operating systems over the years, with some really handy ones gracing Windows 7 and most modern Web browsers. </p><p>If you're aiming to speed up your workflow and impress your colleagues at the same time, check out these little gems. </p><p><strong>1. Move the cursor one word at a time</strong></p><p>Cut through large swaths of text with this handy trick.

Inovação e negócios na era da internet. HTML - Fontes: Tipos, Cores, Tamanhos e Estilos. Na linguagem HTML estão disponíveis formatos envolvendo fontes: tamanho, cores, estilo, alinhamento, fundos etc, possibilitando inúmeras possibilidades de apresentação do texto. Para saber mais detalhes sobre as fontes, clique aqui. Para entender como são disponibilizadas as cores nas telas e os seus respectivos códigos RGB e hexadecimal, clique aqui. Para ver algumas tabelas de cores, em base 10 e em 16: Note-se que para aplicar uma formatação, após selecionar o texto desejado, pode-se utilizar os botões das barras de ferramentas ou clicar em "Format" e em algumas das opções como "Text style", "Text color", "Paragraph". Ou seja, pode-se combinar parãmetros. O parâmetro COLOR contém a cor do texto. O parâmetro SIZE contém o tamanho. Quando se lida com fontes FACE contém o nome do tipo de letra Por exemplo: <font face=*></font> ou <span style="font-family: *;"></span>: É importante lembrar que essa fonte só poderá ser visualizada em outro computador se ele possuir essa fonte instalada.

A. C. Inbound Marketing Kit Download. With HubSpot's no-obligation marketing assessment, one of HubSpot's marketing experts will evaluate your business' current website and marketing for areas of improvement. You can ask our experts: How can I drive more traffic to my homepage? Should I be blogging more frequently? How do I get my website visitors to fill out my forms? We'll also provide a competitive analysis so you can see how your marketing stacks up against your competitors'. There's no risk, no obligation, and no credit card required. Facebook Insights: Um Analytics para o Facebook | Mestre SEO. Olá, amigos da Agência Mestre! Passada a semana da folia, hora de voltar à rotina. E mesmo com o Carnaval, o Facebook não parou.

Já está virando clichê desta coluna, mas a cada semana temos novidades e, como nosso trabalho aqui é informar, seguimos com nossos artigos apresentando as mudanças constantes que a rede social implementa para beneficiar seus usuários. As alterações, desta vez, estão no campo dos que gostam de medir os resultados – principalmente em fan pages. Ferramentas de métricas, como o Google Analytics, já estão batidas por aqui e pela Internet. Sabemos da importância delas e o quanto são necessárias para apresentarmos resultados para clientes, por exemplo.

Mas quem já atua nessa área do Facebook, criando fan pages e oferecendo a clientes, ou até mesmo representa uma marca, sabe que o Insights nasceu fraco. Só que agora as mudanças são animadoras. Além desta, existem outras alterações que vão ampliar as possibilidades de uso da ferramenta. Engajamento Social Como Usar. Métodos e Ferramentas para Medir Branding Online | Mestre SEO. Essa é uma questão que de tempos em tempos aparece para mim: como medir branding online? Em específico, as pessoas geralmente buscam ferramentas que façam isso de modo automatizado, ou então desenvolvem/procuram algum método para ter um acompanhamento do que acontece online que envolva uma determinada marca. Como muitas das pessoas que acompanham a Agência Mestre podem saber, nós ministramos o Curso de SEO em São Paulo (atenção para a turma de março, inscreva-se!) E de todas as turmas, nós cadastramos os participantes no grupo de emails específico de ex-alunos, um benefício a mais de se participar do curso.

Por lá sempre surgem discussões interessantes e, o tema deste artigo saiu justamente de lá, idéia do Juliano Torriani a partir do debate levantado pela CrisMKTDigital: Bom dia! Métodos e Ferramentas para Medir Branding Online Eu abri a lista de respostas com 4 indicações para a Cris. Twitter Monitor Tweet Analysis Além de poder tornar tal estudo, público. Extra – Rowfeeder. SEO - Colocando um site em primeiro lugar no Google. 350+ Free Textures - Web Design Blog – 17 scratched and scraped textures grab bag 40 random free textures 14 free high res slate textures Aqueous Sun Texture Pack Volume 1 (50) Aqueous Sun Texture Pack Volume 2 (50) Aqueous Sun Presents Rust v.01 (28) Beautiful Textures On Black Backgrounds (22) rust textures (5) victorian dreams texture pack (10) Dreamy Bokeh Textures (4) Glitter Bokeh Texture Pack (33) 20 grungy dirty wood textures tree bark 10 free high res textures 9 colorful rust textures Wood Panels Texture Set (9) turn back time texture pack (5) Vintage II Texture Pack (6) Rust ‘n Such Textures (10) textures (5) Folds: Texture Pack (8) Freebie: Texture Pack 4 – Watercolours (10) Metal Texture Pack – 47 Free Images Brick & Stone: Texture Pack (24) 17 rock and concrete textures 25 subtle and light grunge textures 8 re-stained paper textures 28 High-Res Vintage Postal Textures Old Leather Textures (5) 5 colored grungy bokeh textures 15 High-Res Lens Flare Textures 27 High-Res Fabric Fold Textures out of focus 30 free bokeh textures Bokeh Pack (22)

The 7 Craziest Things Ever Done to Get Laid. It's no secret that most great accomplishments in human history made by men were done in the name of impressing the opposite sex. Men would not become astronauts if it did not afford them the opportunity to tell women at parties that they are astronauts. Yet, some men still find ways to go above and beyond -- risking life, limb and country in the name of boobies. #7. Man Breaks Out of (and Back Into) a Nazi POW Camp for Sex Getty Horace Greasley was a 20-year-old Czechoslovakian hairdresser when Hitler invaded his country and he was forced to enlist in the army. Getty"They trained us to fight cowlicks, not fascism! " Most people in this situation would be too distracted by the abject horror of being a Nazi prisoner of war to be on the lookout for the ladies. Greasley met Rosa Rauchbach -- the young daughter of the quarry director of his labor camp -- and they quickly fell for each other.

Via The TelegraphYes, that's Greasley staring down Heinrich Himmler. For five years. #6. . #5. . #4. 20 creative guerilla marketing campaigns. We are so overwhelmed with advertising everywhere that it becomes hard for creative agencies to make ads that stand out. Guerilla advertising is a great way to make unusual, surrealistic visuals and situations that passers by will remember. Here is a selection. 1. Superette – Short shorts The bench that turns you into a walking advertisement if you are wearing short shorts. Via Trends Now. 2. Pretty clever, the urinal that stands out. 3.

Seen in New York, how would you not go grab a coffee there? 4. I would be curious to know how many people actually notice this ad. 5. Enter the shark, a cool optical illusion for this National Geographic ad on a bus. 6. Cool idea to promote the movie “The day after tomorrow”, it gives the illusion that NYC has been submerged by the waters. 7. Feels good not to be in the same category as the big boys. 8.

Small but poweful, I think the message just got across the bridge. 9. Unmissable ad, I’m sure all the bowlers that went there remembered it. 11. 12. 13. 15 sites web developers and designers should know. Creating a good website isn't an easy task, but there's a few tools that can definitely make your developer or designer life easier. In this article, I have compiled 15 extremely useful website that any web developer or web designer should have bookmarked. ColorCombos When designing a website, one of the firsts (and most important) steps of the process is to choose a color scheme.

Color Combos allow you to browse thousand of different colors combinations for getting inspired for your upcomming design. Color schemes can be browsed by colors.Visit LIpsum Who doesn’t know the extremely popular Lorem Ipsum text? What the font? You just saw a logo or website using a particular font and you enjoyed it. ConvertIcon Favicons are a must have for any website, mostly because on modern browsers as such as Firefox, it is displayed along with the site name in tabs. BgPatterns background Patterns is definitely one of the current webdesign trends. HTML Encoder Test Everything Sprite Generator. 45 Free Online Computer Science Courses. Missed lectures or hate teachers? Or want to study computer science courses without going to university? … You can study anytime anywhere because there are number of free online computer science courses available on internet that are very interactive.

Here is the list of 45 free online computer science courses that are designed by teaching experts from best universities of the world (almost the whole graduation!). 1. Programming Methodology CS106A , Stanford University Course. Complete set of course materials. 2. This course is the natural successor to Programming Methodology and covers such advanced programming topics as recursion, algorithmic analysis, and data abstraction using the C++ programming language, which is similar to both C and Java. 3. Advanced memory management features of C and C++; the differences between imperative and object-oriented paradigms. 4. The purpose of this course is to introduce you to basics of modeling, design, planning, and control of robot systems. 5. 6. 16+ Projects & Initiatives Building Ad-Hoc Wireless Mesh Networks.

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