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The Entrepreneur’s Handbook – 59 Resources For First Time Entrepreneurs. New Media Business Models. How to Make the Best Use of An Email Signature. So many times email signatures are an afterthought and not really looked at as an opportunity to sell. What I mean by “email signature” is the signature you put at the bottom of your person-to-person emails, not on your email marketing campaigns (although you can use signatures for that as well!) And I don’t only mean your own email signature, I mean the email signatures of all of your employees as well, especially if you’re sending out a lot of customer service related emails. First things first, you’ve got to make sure that there are standard pieces of information your employees include when they’re representing your business. Name, company name, address and phone number.Twitter and Facebook links and encourage people to follow you.Website and blog address.

There are also some creative ways you can utilize the email signature portion of your emails that might not be “necessary” but could be fun to add as well as help increase your sales! © 2010 – 2012, VR Marketing Blog. TraderFeed. Entrepreneurship. Trading Lesson. Stock Market Game - Practice investing $1,000,000 - - Your Source For Investing Education. The Inoculated Investor.