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For Parents: Understanding how children learn about gender roles and identities with psychology

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This is why even little kids need gender identity discussions in the classroom. When my son was no more than three, he toddled up to a salesperson in the toy aisle of a department store and asked for a Polly Pocket.

This is why even little kids need gender identity discussions in the classroom

“Oh, but that’s a girl’s toy,” she replied. My partner intervened promptly, assuring our son there was no such thing as a girl’s or boy’s toy, and asking to be directed to the right shelf. She recounted the story to me later with a mixture of rage and despair. This was gender policing—when we learn to coerce one another to conform to gender norms.

Why should parents understand how children learn about gender roles and identities? Help your kids develop a healthy sexual orientation. Supporting the healthy sexual identity development of youth: A primer for adults who live with or care about kids.

Help your kids develop a healthy sexual orientation

Human development educators and scholars have known for many years that one of the tasks of adolescence and young adulthood is forming a strong, positive sense of identity. A significant part of identity development is sexual identity. This holds true for everyone and includes those who are romantically and sexually attracted to the opposite sex, those who are attracted to the same sex and those who are attracted to all genders. The development of sexual identity or a “sexual orientation” is a complex process of knowing which gender (or genders) one is romantically, emotionally, physically and sexually attracted to. For some people this identity becomes clear to them at a young age and remains a constant part of their identity throughout their lives.

How to help develop our children's gender identity. Social Learning Theory. Understanding Social Learning Theory. Defining Gender Identity. Understanding Gender Identity. Gender Roles. Understanding Gender Roles. Children on Gender Roles. Children on Gender Roles. Gender Roles In Children. Gender Roles in Children. Gender Roles-Interviews with Kids. Children demonstrating gender roles at job interviews.

Social Learning Theory for Gender Development. Understanding how children learn about gender development through social learning theory. Gender effects of media. Understand how media affect our children's perception of gender.