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5 Juice and Smoothie Infographics for Summer. Need a delicious and healthy way to keep cool as the summer heats up?

5 Juice and Smoothie Infographics for Summer

Look no further than your kitchen blender. Homemade juices and smoothies are a good way to lose weight and stay fit in the summer months, and can contain important minerals and anti-oxidants you might otherwise miss. Vegetarian Sites. Le crudivorisme ou l'alimentation vivante. Description of Permaculture by the Finger Lakes Permaculture Institute. Home » What is permaculture?

Description of Permaculture by the Finger Lakes Permaculture Institute

Permaculture is a design discipline for productive systems such as gardens, farms, homesteads, and urban sites utilizing ecological principles found in natural systems. These ecological principles combined with a design method help to create sustainable, healthy abundant landscapes while meeting basic human needs. The permaculture movement includes organizations all over the world offering demonstration sites, trainings, and technical assistance. The Future Of Local Food In Todmorden. Vegetarian Recipes. Vegan Recipes. TEDxTC - Jonathan Foley - The Other Inconvenient Truth. Solutions Locales pour un Désordre Global. Solutions locales pour un désordre global - Bande-annonce.

The Other Inconvenient Truth. Economic Justice for Family Scale Farming.