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A special report on managing information: Data, data everywhere. WHEN the Sloan Digital Sky Survey started work in 2000, its telescope in New Mexico collected more data in its first few weeks than had been amassed in the entire history of astronomy. Now, a decade later, its archive contains a whopping 140 terabytes of information. A successor, the Large Synoptic Survey Telescope, due to come on stream in Chile in 2016, will acquire that quantity of data every five days.

Such astronomical amounts of information can be found closer to Earth too. Wal-Mart, a retail giant, handles more than 1m customer transactions every hour, feeding databases estimated at more than 2.5 petabytes—the equivalent of 167 times the books in America's Library of Congress (see article for an explanation of how data are quantified). Facebook, a social-networking website, is home to 40 billion photos. All these examples tell the same story: that the world contains an unimaginably vast amount of digital information which is getting ever vaster ever more rapidly. Dross into gold. Speaker Slides & Video: Strata 2011 - O'Reilly Conferences, February 01 - 03, 2011.

This presentation lays bare the dark underbelly of analytics in the enterprise. Drawing on darkly humorous experiences, the speaker will explain why executives treat analytics as an occult phenomenon. The talk will give executives the mental tools to separate strategically valuable analytics projects from fishing expeditions, and provide litmus tests to keep the witch doctors honest. Apache Cassandra is a second-generation distributed database originally open-sourced by Facebook. Its write-optimized shared-nothing architecture results in excellent performance and scalability. This tutorial will cover application design with Cassandra through a series of exercises with Twissandra, a simple Twitter clone written in Python and Django.

How do you go about building a product around data using Hadoop? This talk will present how LinkedIn builds and maintains such features as People You May Know. Zane Adam from Microsoft speaks about the Azure Data Marketplace. With Big Data comes Big Promises. Do You Have Too Much Data? - Improvisations - MIT Sloan Management Review. Already a member? Sign in Not a member? Sign up today Member Free 5 free articles per month, $6.95/article thereafter, free newsletter. Subscribe $75/Year Unlimited digital content, quarterly magazine, free newsletter, entire archive. Sign me up Does your organization have more data than it really knows what to do with? If so, you’re not alone. However, using data well can give a company a competitive edge. For more information about how smart companies are using analytics in their businesses, read Analytics: The New Path to Value. a special report produced by MIT Sloan Management Review, in collaboration with IBM.

You can also view a recording of a webcast panel discussion, held in November 2010, on the topic of insights from the data deluge. Comment (1) LaughlinOutLoud» Blog Archive » Track Your Tracking: Data Is A Numbers Game. Sustainable Development. In his remarks (below, as prepared), he described how forward-thinking leaders in business, government and civil society around the world are capturing the potential of smarter systems to achieve economic growth, near-term efficiency, sustainable development and societal progress. We at IBM—and I personally—have deeply valued our relationship with Chatham House over many years. And I am particularly grateful for the format of today's event—for the opportunity to engage in substantive discussion with a gathering of such distinguished and forward-thinking leaders from around the United Kingdom, Europe and the world.

We believe in this. And because we believe these solutions are within reach for business and society, we have committed the resources of the IBM company to making smarter systems a reality in every part of the world. In the year since we began this conversation, we have learned a great deal. This list could go on. What else have we learned? These are serious issues. Thank you. OreillyMedia's Channel.