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Business models in semantic web

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Survey/Feedback Data-centric business models – Lukas Feuerstein. I currently write my master thesis on “Success factors of data-centric business models” at University of Regensburg (Germany) and in cooperation with Detecon Consulting.

Survey/Feedback Data-centric business models – Lukas Feuerstein

Data-centric business models try to describe emerging business models that are mainly based on leverage data and information exchange with users, communities and partners. As we have observed, companies that adopt a data-centric business model such as Google or Amazon, generate most of their revenues from handling and processing of data or information. A in depth overview over the methodology and also some examples for data-centric business models such as nike+, Goldcorp, social media aggregation and restaurant reviews can be found in the presentation here. Since the focus of my thesis is mainly on information and data-products we have created a framework called “Information Value Chain”(IVC) that is especially targeted at data and information processes of a business model. Thank you al lot. Business Model Innovation Hub - ... where visionaries, game changers, and challengers discuss business models.