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Bessemer Cloudscape: A map of the major cloud players — Cloud Computing News. Cloud Computing - Bessemer Venture Partners.


Grid Computing. 2011 Trends. Incredible Things That Happen Every 60 Seconds On The Internet. Cloud brokers. Dentro del modelo de negocio que hay detrás de los sistemas cloud se suelen contemplar tres tipos de agente: el cliente de los servicios, el proveedor de los servicios y el desarrollador de los servicios (que puede coincidir o no con el proveedor).

Cloud brokers

Pero últimamente ha surgido una nueva figura, el Cloud Broker, que suele situarse entre el consumidor y el proveedor. En un entorno tan complejo como el de la nube, este tipo de agente suele cumplir con tres funciones esenciales: Consultoría y arbitraje: El broker se encarga de asesorar al consumidor acerca del mejor proveedor para sus necesidades concretas y realiza funciones de intermediación en la definición de las SLA. Is Cloud Brokerage the Next Big Thing? By Michael Eggebrecht As enterprise adoption of cloud computing gains momentum, CIOs will need to take a firmer stance with cloud providers, says Brian Ott, VP of the worldwide cloud program at Unisys.

Is Cloud Brokerage the Next Big Thing?

When a vendor dictates the format of its customers' data, CIOs lose control -- and get locked in. Cloud brokerage services may be one way to get that control back. A growing number of industry observers are pointing at vendor lock-in as a big risk in the current cloud landscape, and groups like the Cloud Computing Interoperability Forum have been popping up as the focus on cloud standards grows. Late last year, the European Network and Information Security Agency cited lock-in as a major concern for potential cloud implementers. "Standards have been a hot topic for about a year now," says Ott. The industry is close to agreeing on the Open Virtualization Format, an open standard for virtual appliances, says Ott, who calls that format an important piece in enabling the cloud. Cloud Computing & Cloud Brokers. Cloud Brokers: The Next Big Opportunity? « Data Center Knowledge. As enterprises struggle to sort out the array of cloud computing options and services, analysts see a growing opportunity for “cloud brokers” to serve as intermediaries between end users and cloud providers.

Cloud Brokers: The Next Big Opportunity? « Data Center Knowledge

These cloud middlemen will help companies choose the right platform, deploy apps across multiple clouds, and perhaps even provide cloud arbitrage services that allow end users to shift between platforms to capture the best pricing. “The future of cloud computing will be permeated with the notion of brokers negotiating relationships between providers of cloud services and the service customers,” said Frank Kenney, research director at Gartner. “Enhancement will include managing access to these services, providing greater security or even creating completely new services.” Gartner has seen a role for cloud brokers for some time. Earlier this month Gartner reiterated that view, and outlined three categories of opportunities for cloud brokers:

Hybrid Cloud. Public Cloud. Software (SaaS) Cloud Computing for dummies. Cloud Trends. Why cloud storage is passé and collaboration is king — Cloud Computing News. How big is the cloud ? Dynamic Pricing Comes to Amazon's Cloud. today said it would offer variable pricing for clients of its cloud computing service.

Dynamic Pricing Comes to Amazon's Cloud

The pricing, called Spot Instances, allows users to bid for access to unused compute time for as long as their bid exceeds the current spot price for an hour of computing. The introduction of dynamic pricing is something our guest columnist Joe Weinman predicted this weekend in his post discussing different ways to price services in the cloud. From the Amazon release: To use Spot Instances, customers place a Spot Instance request, specifying the instance family, size and the region they desire as well as the number of Spot Instances they want to run and the maximum price they’re willing to pay per instance. If a customer’s maximum price exceeds the current Spot Price, the customer’s instances will run until they choose to terminate the instances or their maximum bid falls below the Spot Price (whichever is sooner). SpotCloud: It’s a Market, Not a Cloud — Cloud Computing News. SpotCloud Aims to Change Moore’s Law and Cloud Dynamics — Cloud Computing News.
