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Meetings. Meet face to face online. Meet with your team mates, customers, clients, board and co-workers online instead of having to make the trip to a physical location. Get all the same experience as a face to face meeting but do it online and save time and money. Hangout with your team, co-workers or project groups. Hangout with up to 5 people at a time and see them all at once. You can have people drop in and out of your hangout at any time.

As more people drop in, the room automatically resizes to completely fit all the participants so you can clearly see everyone at the same time. Share your Screen Share your computer screen with the rest of your meeting or hangout peers. Your Profile Page Sign up to create your personal profile and get your personal room with its own personalized address. No Signups, No Hassles You don’t need to be in a social network to use It's simple to join a Meeting or Hangout. Give your Meeting or Hangout a Name Take Personal Notes Live Group Chat Built for the Web. Thera-LINK. Video Conferencing Software | Virtual Mediation Lab. If you are interested in Online Mediation and believe that the “visual” component is crucial for gaining the parties’ trust in you and in the mediation process, you’ll soon be faced with two questions: Which video conferencing software shall I use?

And how can I try different software, test them, and pick the one I like the most? In order to help you answer those questions, in the last 3 months a group of Virtual Mediation Lab mediators have done the following. First, we prepared a list of 14 basic criteria that, in our view, a software should meet in order to work well for you and, more importantly, for the parties, who will participate in your online mediation in any way they prefer: with their PC, Mac, Ipad, Iphone, Andorid tablet or smart phone (or even a landline phone). Second, We began to test some video conferencing softwareWe discussed how each of them met our 14 criteriaWe video recorded our tests – so you can watch them and judge for yourself Thank you. Opus Codec. The CELT ultra-low delay audio codec. Nefsis. White Label Video Publishing Platforms Guide To T...

TokBox. Imo messenger. OoVoo. Vidyo.