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Tp-link router - Ace Monster Toys Wiki. From Ace Monster Toys Wiki Davr recently coordinated a group buy of a bunch of cheesy tp-link TL-WR703N wireless routers.

Tp-link router - Ace Monster Toys Wiki

Here is a picture of the board: Top of the board Bottom of the board (the blue part of the case comes off with a slim piece of metal and a small amount of focused violence). Wasting Time Reading About OpenWRT here is a link to an associated thread on it looks like there is a working port of openwrt for the wr703n. here is a link to a blog post about using openwrt to diddle arduinos attached to the wr703n usb port. i know how you love those arduinos!

Flashing OpenWRT Want to run OpenWRT? Upload it at Once flashed, telnet to For a little more info on how to get the router running, here is an In Depth Setup If you manage to get OpenWRT on, but somehow lock yourself out (like breaking the firewall, as I did), press the reset button a few seconds after powering on, the blue LED will blink furiously and it will let you telnet in as root with no password. . #! #! Arduino + OpenWRT = Art. It’s an OpenWRT image for the very cheap TP-Link TL-WR703N Linux routers you can buy from here: What’s cool about them is that with the OpenWRT ( Linux operating system, you can make this router do whatever you want, including broadcast a Wifi access-point, run Linux applications, etc.

Arduino + OpenWRT = Art

The REALLY cool thing is that it has a fully working USB port too! This means you can connect various devices to it such as USB storage, Arduinos, Launchpads, etc and even multiples of them on hubs. I made a ready firmware version for the router that is configured to do this It is designed to make the TL-WR703N talk directly to Arduino’s and MSP430 Launchpad microcontroller kits by simply plugging in the kits into the USB port. Stty -F /dev/ttyUSB0 raw speed 9600 and replace /dev/ttyUSB0 with /dev/ttyACM0 for Arduino UNO’s and TI Launchpad kits and 9600 with the baud rate you programmed your kit/sketch to.

You can read serial data from the kits with something like cat /dev/ttyUSB0. Tp-link Tl-wr703n GPIO via tx/rx. PirateBox DIY OpenWrt - David Darts Wiki. Update May 30, 2014!

PirateBox DIY OpenWrt - David Darts Wiki

PirateBox 1.0 has been released and building or upgrading a PirateBox has never been easier! Please refer to this tutorial for instructions and more info. For support, be sure to visit the new PirateBox Forum. Outdated Instructions Below! You can build a PirateBox for as little as US$35. Stuff You’ll Need TP-Link MR3020 (Newegg) or TP-Link TL-WR703N (DX) (eBay)USB Flash Drive (formatted FAT32 with a single partition)Ethernet cable5V/USB Battery (optional) Pre-Installation The following tutorial was created on a Mac running OSX 10.8. 1. 2. 3. 4. 5. 6. (Note: The WR703N firmware text is in Chinese. 7. 8. Telnet