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San Francisco Pen Show. Triangle Pen Show 2016. Inkdependence! Home. DC Fountain Pen Supershow - Home. Fountain of Pens. Fountain Pen Classifieds. The Fountain Pen Network. FPGeeks Forum. Pentrace (:>> Fountain Pens. Fountain Pen Board / FPnuts. Glenn's Pens. Welcome to Glenn's Pens As an avid user of fountain pens I enjoy the writing experience of a fountain pen. The nib, flow of the ink, the characteristics of the line of ink on the page. Pen Stores I started the site as a source of information on pen stores and those that were Great Pen Stores. Through my travels I started collecting names and addresses of stores selling fountain pens. When you come across a "Great Pen Store" or a great bottle of fountain pen ink or other pen accessory, send me an e-mail with your thoughts.

Since starting "Glenn's Pen's" and providing reviews on stores others have provided reviews of stores they have visited. Fountain Pen Ink Ink is an important part of writing with a fountain pen, and I have developed a specific preference in what like I like. Pen COMPANIES/Manufacturers I include information on pen manufacturers under Companies. House of Pens. Pen Collectors Of America. Pen World Magazine. Tri Pen Club. Research Triangle Pen Club Durham, Raleigh, Chapel Hill North Carolina Updated: 22 MAR 2015 Research Triangle Pen Club News Our next meeting will be at the Mad Hatter Bakery (Main and Broad Streets in Durham, across from Duke East Campus, Swift Ave exit off 147/Durham Expressway) on Sunday May 3 at 2:00. Our topic will be your "pride and joy" pen. Be ready to explain why! Is it a daily user, or the centerpiece in your display case?

We also have a "Meet-up" group with information about club events: The Research Triangle Pen Club meets every other month on a Sunday afternoon at 2:00. A Little History of the Research Triangle Pen Club: This was a Club meeting in late 2000, when Fran brought along his digital camera. The Triangle Pen Club was spawned from Deb Kinney's notepad.

Since then, we've met Sunday afternoons at the Regulator Bookstore, Elmos, and the Mad Hatter, all in Durham, once every other month or so. From a meeting (April 28, 2002):