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Social Media

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Easy Social. Easily add share buttons to your nodes! Centered in a single place, you don't need to worry in including external javascript libraries, and enabling several social modules. Despite a bunch of other social modules, this module fits exactly if you want simple share buttons without worrying about messy configurations.

Easy Social is available both as blocks, attached to nodes, comments and also as a Views field. The following widgets are included by default: TwitterFacebookGoogle+LinkedIn Extend! Modules can also implement hook_easy_social_widget() to define new widget types: Example For a full description of the API with working examples, check out the documentation. Drupal 7 Version Easy Social for Drupal 7 depends on the Variable module. Drupal 6 Version The Drupal 6 version is being supported exclusively for bugfixes but no new features will be included. Maintainers The maintainers provides consulting services and paid development, e.g. for implementing a specific feature.

Service links. Service Links facilitates the adding of social networks links or javascript buttons within the content with a special focus on developers and themers interested to extend their number or customize their displaying. Built on Drupal for Drupal doesn't include commercial advertising or spying hidden code and doesn't require third part libraries. The services included are various:, Digg, Facebook/Facebook Share/Facebook Like, Furl, Google Bookmark/Google Plus One, IceRocket, LinkedIn/Linkedin button counter, MySpace, Newsvine, Reddit, StumbleUpon, Technorati, Twitter/Twitter widget, Yahoo Bookmark, and many more, they are split for language in different packages: basque, dutch, farsi, german, hungarian, italian, polish, russian, spanish, swedish.

Other services are availables to be included within an extra module which can be built easily through a web interface. Features External modules supported (you have to install them too) News and links. HybridAuth Social Sign-on. Facebook Subscribe Button. Google Add to Circle. Google Add to Circle module let the users to add your Google+ Page to their circle directly from your website. This module allows you to show the visitors of your blog or website that you have a Google+ account.

Therefore its a great opportunity to get in touch with your visitors! It has a badge customization, through which you may control the look of the widget/badge. This module will definitely help you to increase your fan base and followers on Google Add a great opportunity to get in touch with your visitors! Corporate Contributors Devsaran Help and Support Us Please consider a small donation to help us creating new and free quality drupal modules and themes in the future.