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INCIDENTAL COMICS. Octopuns. Snapple. W.I.T.C.H. -> Comic Scan thread #4. Cyanide & Happiness #3563. Copy this into your blog, website, etc. <a href=" alt="Cyanide and Happiness, a daily webcomic" src=" border=0></a><br />Cyanide & Happiness @ <a href=" ...or into a forum [URL=" & Happiness @ [URL=" Oh Joy Sex Toy - A Sex Toy Comic Review Site. Outreach. INCIDENTAL COMICS. Archive. Extre Fabulou Comics. Daredevil: The Man Without Fear - Recommended Reading.

With the help of many contributors of the web site, here is a list of comics or collections that have been suggested for NEW READERS, RETURNING READERS, or LONG-TIME READERS of Daredevil. Many thanks to train, Pete, Greg, Clayton Blind Love, Jim B., Keith, rgj, CAS, Farwell3d, Jake, Mike Without Fear, Allison, awlrite4now, SeanWLuck, bry and alfiemoon! Daredevil/Deadpool '97 From Clayton Blind Love: The NEW fan (I am assuming that the movie sparked an interest): If you are coming into this because of the movie, then I would suggest that you begin with Visionaries: Frank Miller Vol.2. (#168-182) Why not start where the movie mainly came out of?

From here, I would then suggest moving on to Vol.3 (#183-191) of that series and right to Born Again. After that? Well, why not check out Guardian Devil? QC: New Comics Every Monday Through Friday. XCKD.