"El hiyab obligatorio no es parte de nuestra cultura" Las mujeres iraníes que se oponen al hiyab obligatorio en el país encuentran un altavoz en las redes sociales de Masih Alinejad. Esta periodista iraní exiliada en Estados Unidos publica los vídeos e imágenes de mujeres sin velo que ellas mismas le envían desde Irán. Tanto preocupa el movimiento que el presidente del Tribunal Revolucionario de Teherán, Mousa Ghazanfarabadi, anunció que aquellas mujeres que envíen vídeos sin hiyab a Masih Alinejad se enfrentarán a una condena de entre uno y diez años de cárcel, según informó Reuters. "Irónicamente, el día posterior al anuncio de la sentencia de 10 años de prisión, recibí más vídeos y mensajes que en todo un año. Las mujeres no van a dejarse intimidar y encontrarán maneras de luchar", ha respondido la periodista Masih Alinejad en declaraciones a eldiario.es. Las consecuencias ya han llegado. "El hiyab obligatorio no es parte de nuestra cultura" Alinejad critica la escasez de mujeres en política en Irán.
Declarada enemiga de la religión. #Cia, #kurdi e #sauditi dietro la rivolta, accusano gli #Ayatollah. Riunione due mesi fa ad #Erbil (Kurdistan irakeno) assieme ad agenti sau… 'Disastrous mistake': Iran admits it shot down Ukrainian plane. Iran has announced that its military "unintentionally" shot down a Ukrainian jetliner, killing all 176 on board. The statement on Saturday morning blames "human error" for the incident, adding that the military mistook Flight 752 for a "hostile target". Press TV also quoted Iran's General Staff of the Armed Forces as saying that the plane had flown close to a "sensitive military site".
More: Trudeau: Evidence indicates Iranian missile downed Ukraine planeUS believes Iran accidentally shot down Ukraine plane: ReportsIn Pictures: Ukrainian passenger plane crashes near Tehran The military said it was at its “highest level of readiness" amid the heightened tensions with the United States. "In such a condition, because of human error and in a unintentional way, the flight was hit,” the military said. It apologised and said it would upgrade its systems to prevent future tragedies. "My thoughts and prayers go to all the mourning families. "There's a lot of explaining to do by Iranian authorities.
'Who are you?' Iran hits back at US demands. 06 iran strategy. [FLASH] Iran e Arabia Saudita: cosa è cambiato. Riporto qui la mia parte di uno speciale del Caffè Geopolitico, uscito l'11 gennaio 2016, che analizza lo stato attuale della tensione fra Iran e Arabia Saudita. Clicca qui per leggere l'hot-spot intero. Avolte capita che portiamo a spasso con il guinzaglio cani talmente vivaci che finiscono per essere loro a tirare noi, ed è più o meno questo quello che sta succedendo oggi agli shaykh sauditi e agli ulama iraniani. Che fra i due Paesi sia in corso una guerra fredda è notizia vecchia; ma guai a pensare che questa ne sia solo l’ennesima manifestazione copia-incolla. La novità, qualitativamente sostanziale, è che ora la situazione è totalmente sfuggita di mano agli stessi protagonisti, che da un lato devono fare la voce grossa e salvare la faccia davanti ai loro fan politici, dall’altro dissimulano, calcolano attentamente le mosse e tengono il conflitto sul filo della latenza.
Ma il passo falso è già stato fatto. Assetti ben diversi, quindi. A second revolution in Iran? Not yet. Protesters rally in Tehran on Saturday. (Ebrahim Noroozi/Associated Press) Maziar Bahari is a former political prisoner and the editor of iranwire.com. On Thursday, Dec. 28, a group of people gathered in the city of Mashhad and demonstrated against the Iranian government’s economic policies. This demonstration happened in a city that is holy for 250 million Shiite Muslims around the world; it is where Reza, the 8th Shiite imam, or saint, is buried. Imam Reza’s shrine is also a multi-billion-dollar conglomerate that owns a number of industries, banks, hospitals and, of course, seminaries across Iran. A Strike on Iranian Nuclear Sites Could be Catastrophic for Civilians. Clarification Appended: Sept. 28, 2012 For Iranians these days, life under economic sanctions is a crescendo of hardships.
With the Iranian currency at an all-time low against the dollar, shortages of essential medicines and quadrupling prices of basic goods like shampoo and bread, a sense of crisis pervades daily life. Now Iranians are worrying about one more thing: imminent death from an American or Israeli military strike. With talk of an attack growing more feverish by the day, the mood in Iran is unsettled as never before. In their fear and worry, Iranians say they feel alone, stuck between a defiant government that clings to its nuclear ambitions and a world so unattuned to their suffering that the fatal consequences of a strike on the Iranian people has so far been totally absent from the debate. “We are close to reliving the days of the Iran-Iraq war, soon we will have to wait in line for everyday goods,” says a 60-year-old, middle-class matron from Tehran.
America-Cina del Venerdì 03 gennaio. Attempt to hijack nation’s voice. Sources close to security bodies have said of over 500 people arrested during the disturbances in different cities in Iran, more than 80 percent have admitted receiving money and ordered from outside the country to misuse the people’s protest against price rises and high unemployment. This comes against the backdrop of a declared scheme by Saudi Crown Prince Mohammad bin Salman to bring unrest to the streets of Iran. The plot seems to have untraveled in the form of sporadic feats of sabotage by relatively professional men during the public protests over the last few days. The premonition for this also came back in October by U.S. Secretary of State Rex Tillerson who said Washington would seek regime change in Iran. A recent anti-Iran plan by Saudis, Zionists, and the U.S. was put to force by funding the terrorist expatriate group Mujahedin-e Khalq Organization (MKO) to seize the moment and wreak chaos.
MKO terrorist leader urges spread of violence in Iran. Brookings. Consequences of an Attack on Iran are no Joke. Antiwar Published on March 1st, 2012 | by Marsha B. Cohen by Marsha B. Cohen A grim joke made the rounds in late 2002 and early 2003, in the lead-up to the US invasion of Iraq. The version I recall went something like this: President George W. “What would you think of us invading Iraq and taking over their oil fields, if you knew that 30,000 Iraqis and one American bicycle mechanic would be killed if we do it?” The fellow slowly sips his beer, his brow furrowed. Cheney slaps the table and grins triumphantly at Bush. A decade later, no one seems to give a damn about Iranian lives either. The U.S. legacy in Iraq As we now know, far more than 30,000 Iraqis and one American have died since the US invasion of Iraq on March 19, 2003. Iraqi physicians are seeing an upsurge in cancers and birth defects, which they blame on the usage of depleted uranium in the shells and bombs used by US and British forces in the 1991 Iraq war and the 2003 invasion.
Dr. Barak means Israelis. Is war worth it? . Cosa succede dopo l'uccisione di Suleimani? Nella notte tra giovedì e venerdì gli Stati Uniti hanno attaccato diversi obiettivi all’aeroporto internazionale di Baghdad, la capitale irachena, uccidendo tra gli altri il potentissimo generale iraniano Qassem Suleimani. Suleimani era il capo delle Forze Quds, un corpo speciale delle Guardie Rivoluzionarie iraniane. Era parecchio noto e popolare in Iran, e considerato molto vicino alla parte più conservatrice del regime.
Per moltissimi anni aveva guidato le operazioni iraniane all’estero (in Siria, in Yemen, in Iraq, per esempio), aveva raccolto preziose informazioni di intelligence, si era comportato come una specie di ministro degli Esteri ufficioso. E soprattutto era uno degli uomini di fiducia della Guida suprema Ali Khamenei, la massima autorità in Iran. Gli Stati Uniti consideravano Suleimani un nemico da diversi anni, ritenendolo responsabile di molte delle crisi del Medio Oriente e di centinaia di morti americani. Ma sono difficili da anticipare anche per altre due ragioni. DEBATE / IRAN – Trump et Riyad derrière les attentats de Téhéran ? | The Maghreb and Orient Courier. Les tensions entre les deux principaux rivaux du Moyen-Orient sont en train d’atteindre un paroxysme comme jamais par le passé. L’Iran et l’Arabie Saoudite sont désormais à couteaux tirés. En cause, les attentats du 7 juin 2017 à Téhéran, dont le bilan est de treize morts et près de quarante blessés, et qui, bien qu’ayant été revendiqués par l’Etat Islamique, sont imputés par les Gardiens de la révolution à l’Arabie saoudite et aux Américains ; ils promettent de « se venger ». « Cette action terroriste après la rencontre du président des États-Unis avec le chef d’un des gouvernements réactionnaires de la région qui a toujours soutenu les terroristes est lourde de sens et la revendication par Daech montre qu’ils sont impliqués », affirme un communiqué iranien.
L’agence de renseignements iranienne a confirmé l’information. Dans la rue aussi, les Iraniens identifient l’Arabie Saoudite comme la première menace pour l’Iran. Donald J. Trump (@realDonaldTrump) | Twitter. Full text of the Iran nuclear deal. World In the News Full text of the Iran nuclear deal The accord will end decades of economic sanctions against Iran in exchange for restrictions on its nuclear program. Historic deal reached with Iran to limit nuclear program Full text of the Iran nuclear deal Document Pages Text Zoom Previous for “” Next p. 1 Loading Loading p. 2 p. 3 Page Note 1 of 159 0 Toggle Description Description The accord will end decades of economic sanctions against Iran in exchange for restrictions on its nuclear program.
Contents Original Document (PDF) » Related Article » Contributed by: DocCloud Admin, Washington Post To print the document, click the "Original Document" link to open the original PDF. More ways to get us Contact Us About Us Partners. Gli attentati in Iran e la grande ipocrisia dell’Occidente. Gli Usa rivedono i piani militari contro l’Iran. Guido Olimpio - Soleimani nel mirino? Israele ha accusato... Gunmen attack Iran's parliament, Khomeini shrine | Iran News | Al Jazeera.
Il discorso di Trump dopo l’attacco dell’Iran alle basi Usa: «Nessuna vittima per i raid» «Nessuna vita americana o irachena è andata perduta e ci sono stati danni minimi. Le nazioni hanno sopportato troppo a lungo le azioni distruttive dell’Iran. Quei giorni sono finiti». Queste le prime parole rivolte alla nazione, in diretta tv, dal presidente Usa Donald Trump dopo gli attacchi missilistici iraniani sferrati nella notte del 7 gennaio — attacchi in cui sono state colpite due basi militari irachene che ospitano i soldati Usa e internazionali.
Il leader statunitense ha promesso che l’Iran non avrà il nucleare «finché sarò presidente», poi ha annunciato l’intenzione di applicare nuove sanzioni «immediate» contro Teheran (che «resteranno finché non cambierà atteggiamento») e si è detto deciso a chiedere alla Nato «di essere più coinvolta nel processo mediorientale». «L’Iran sembra allentare le tensioni e in questo momento è una cosa positiva per noi e per tutto il mondo», ha aggiunto il presidente. Russia e Turchia: «Azioni Usa in Iraq illecite e rischiose» IR.iran collected this story. Iran 'will not tolerate' Trump Jerusalem 'violation': Rouhani. TEHRAN: Iranian President Hassan Rouhani blasted his U.S. counterpart Donald Trump's plan to recognize Jerusalem as the Israeli capital Wednesday, saying it would not be tolerated.
Rouhani also spoke with Turkish President Recep Tayyip Erdogan by phone, describing Trump's announcement as "wrong, illegitimate, provocative and very dangerous", according to an account posted on the Iranian government's website. He also agreed to attend a special summit of the Organization of Islamic Cooperation, the main pan-Islamic body, on Dec. 13, which Erdogan called to discuss the issue. Rouhani had earlier been speaking at an international conference in Tehran promoting Islamic unity and marking the anniversary of the birth of Islam's Prophet Mohammed.
Iran "will not tolerate a violation of Islamic sanctities," he said in reference to Trump's Jerusalem announcement. "Muslims must stand united against this major plot. " Iran Blasts Trump's Baseless, Interventionist Allegations. In comments on Monday, Bahram Qassemi strongly criticized the new US administration for its “deceitful stances, interfering remarks, and destructive and provocative measures”, one day after Trump accused Iran of stoking the fires of sectarian conflict and terror during a trip to Riyadh.
The Iranian spokesman also reminded the US officials of their pre-election assertions that the previous American administration has had a role in the creation and support of Takfiri terrorist groups like Daesh (ISIL), calling on Trump administration to end the policy of bellicosity, interference, Iranophobia, and arms sale to the real sponsors of terrorism. During his trip to Riyadh, Trump signed a nearly $110 billion defense deal with Saudi Arabia. Elsewhere in his comments, Qassemi recommended the regional countries to care about their people’s welfare and respect their right to decide their fate instead of spending billions of dollars on attracting US support. Iran death toll rises as protests continue | News. At least nine people have been killed overnight amid ongoing nationwide anti-government protests that began last week in various cities across Iran.
Iranian state television confirmed on Tuesday that six demonstrators were killed during a raid on a police station in Qahdarijan. According to state media, the rioters were attempting to break into the station to obtain weapons. An 11-year-old boy and a 20-year-old man were among those killed in the town of Khomeinishahr.
According to the reports, an Iranian Revolutionary Guard Corps (IRGC) soldier was shot by an assailant using a hunting rifle in Najafabad, about 350km south of the capital Tehran. However, Al Jazeera could not independently verify whether the IRGC member was the same police officer who was reported as being shot by Iran's semi-official Mehr news agency on Monday night. Following six days of protests, at least 20 people have been killed, and about 400 protesters have reportedly been arrested. Iran defiant as Trump poised to make nuclear deal decision. US President Donald Trump is poised to announce on Tuesday his decision whether to withdraw or stay in the Iran nuclear deal, as Iranian President Hassan Rouhani said that Tehran "will overcome" any "problems" it could face in the coming months.
In a social media post late on Monday, Trump said he will make an announcement at 18:00GMT on Tuesday on the future of the 2015 agreement. In response to Trump's announcement, Rouhani told reporters in Tehran on Tuesday that "it is possible that we could face some problems in the coming two to three months, but we will overcome this". Iran's Parliament Speaker Ali Larijani also said on Tuesday that the decision by Trump will only serve to unite the country to walk "on the path of the Islamic Revolution fully behind the leadership of the Supreme Leader".
Al Jazeera's Zein Basrawi, reporting from Tehran, said leaders in Iran are "well aware that at this stage, the fate of the nuclear deal is out of their hands". Iran ends quake rescue operations as hungry survivors battle the cold. Iran ends vote counting in crucial twin elections. Iran fires missiles at US targets in Iraq: All the latest updates | Iran News. Iran Parliament Passes Motion Designating US Army, Pentagon as Terrorist - Politics news. Iran protests: Citizens have right to criticise, not destroy - Rouhani. Iran protests: General declares 'sedition' defeated.
Iran protests: Social media blocked, fake news thrives | News | Al Jazeera. Iran reopens investigation into Rafsanjani death. Iran scopre maxi giacimento di petrolio - Ultima Ora - ANSA. Iran urges all parties involved to contribute to Ukrainian plane crash probe - Tehran Times. Iran's Jews on life inside Israel's 'enemy state': 'We feel secure and happy' Iran's reformists stand to lose from Rafsanjani's death | | Al Jazeera. Iran, 2 kamikaze si fanno esplodere in Parlamento e al mausoleo di Khomeini: "Almeno 7 morti e ci sono ostaggi"
Iran, altissima tensione: continuano le proteste. Iran, attentato alla parata militare: 29 vittime. Accuse all’America e al Golfo. Iran, la polizia nega di aver sparato sulla folla - Mondo - ANSA. Iran, nuovi scontri con vittime. Tv stato: "Assaltate stazioni polizia e basi militari" Iran, PA to Cooperate against Israel. Iran,triplo attacco kamikaze a Teheran: sparatorie ed esplosioni. Iran: vince Rohani il mullah moderato che vuole il dialogo. Iranian forces 'open fire on protesters' as demonstrations continue for third day. Iranian Kurdish fighters step up clashes ahead of KRG independence vote.
Iranian-Turkish tug-of-war over Kurds. IRGC general says Iran warned U.S. drone several times before shootdown - Tehran Times. IS-claimed attacks on Iran's parliament, shrine kill 12. ISIS claims attack at Iranian parliament. Israel fighter jet crash ratchets up regional tensions | News. Israel's double front against Iran: Military strike in the morning, press conference at night.
Khamenei: US decision to recognize Jerusalem as Israeli capital is sign of weakness and incompetence. Kurdish PJAK Utilized to Weaken and Divide Iran – The Rabbit Hole. L'Iran minaccia gli Stati Uniti: "Se attaccate, sarà un inferno" La narrativa del male e i rischi di un conflitto con l’Iran. La storia dietro all'uccisione di Qassem Suleimani.
La Via della Persia: il piano per la destabilizzazione dell’Iran – MAKTUB Blog. L’Iran brucia, ma il velo non c’entra nulla (e nemmeno l'Occidente) L’Iran reagisce, missili contro basi Usa in Iraq. Khamenei: «Solo un primo schiaffo» Mangia, prega, iran - il reportage da teheran di buttafuoco, convertito all’islam sciita. Medical Consequences of a Nuclear Attack on Iran. Missili Iran contro truppe Usa in Iraq: è la rappresaglia per la morte di Soleimani. Soldati italiani in salvo nel bunker. Neither a war will happen, nor will we negotiate: Leader - Tehran Times.
Netanyahu's Iran lobbying causing invisible but severe damage. Next Iranian Parliament to Be Formed of 3 Powerful Sides. Norbulk Shipping UK Ltd. Press TV: "Iran celebrates 41 years after victory of Islamic Revolution against U.S.-backed Pahlavi regime" PressTV. PressTV-'Enemies using various tools to harm Iranian nation' PressTV-Israeli regime lost hope in survival: Velayati. Raid Usa a Bagdad, ucciso il generale iraniano Soleimani. Il Pentagono: "L'ordine partito da Trump" Rouhani, Like Countless Iranian Officials Before Him, Affirms: Iran Will Never Seek Nuclear Weapons. Rouhani: Iran ready to unconditionally cooperate to defend Quds. Rouhani: No one above the law, not even Prophet Muhammad.
Rouhani: Protests are an opportunity. Saudi Arabia & Iran: What Can Putin Do? Source of Rouhani’s Distorted Israel Comments Revealed. Syria and Iran Taken Hostage by Putin's Geopolitical Goals - Middle East - Haaretz. The Death Penalty in Iran. The Future of Iraq: Iran Attacks the Kurds, Maliki Ready to Lead, and the IRGC Taking Sunni Land.
The systematic persecution of the Baha'i in Iran. Trump approved strikes on Iran but cancelled them: Reports | USA News. Trump dismisses report of plan to send 120,000 troops to counter Iran - Tehran Times. Trump sparks war of words with Iran in fiery Middle East speeches. Two protesters killed in Iran anti-government rallies | Iran News. US-Iran tensions after Soleimani killing: All the latest updates | Iran News. Usa-Iran, guerra di parole. Rientra l’escalation. Want to renegotiate the Iran deal? Much harder than it looks | Brookings Institution. Who really gassed the Kurds? Who will replace Rafsanjani as chairman of Iran’s Expediency Council?
Why are people protesting in Iran? | News. Why this Iranian conservative-turned-moderate will succeed Rafsanjani. Zarif, incidenti Golfo copione già visto - Ultima Ora - ANSA.