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PgFouine - a PostgreSQL log analyzer. PagerDuty. Statsd. OpenNMS Statistics Daemon The statistics daemon. Design Configuration Scheduling When Quartz cron schedule currently implemented Report Generation Node filtering all currently implemented; it's the default if a filter isn't specified filter currently implemented; see FilterWalker not currently implemented or planned Resource filtering resourceTypeMatch currently implemented (see ResourceTypeFilteringResourceVisitor). ResourceAttributeKey used with resourceAttributeValueMatch to perform an equality match on the value of an attribute on a resource (see ResourceAttributeFilteringResourceVisitor). ResourceAttributeValueMatch used with resourceAttributeKey; see above. Attribute filtering attributeMatch currently implemented (see AttributeMatchingResourceVisitor) Attribute value computation consolidationFunction currently implemented (see RrdStatisticAttributeVisitor) relativeTime currently implemented (see RrdStatisticAttributeVisitor).

Report type count. Munin - Trac. PostGIS : Home. HAProxy - The Reliable, High Performance TCP/HTTP Load Balancer. PostgreSQL: Welcome. Redis. NGINX. NGINX is a free, open-source, high-performance HTTP server and reverse proxy, as well as an IMAP/POP3 proxy server.

NGINX is known for its high performance, stability, rich feature set, simple configuration, and low resource consumption. NGINX is one of a handful of servers written to address the C10K problem. Unlike traditional servers, NGINX doesn’t rely on threads to handle requests. Instead it uses a much more scalable event-driven (asynchronous) architecture. This architecture uses small, but more importantly, predictable amounts of memory under load. Even if you don’t expect to handle thousands of simultaneous requests, you can still benefit from NGINX’s high-performance and small memory footprint. NGINX powers several high-visibility sites, such as Netflix, Hulu, Pinterest, CloudFlare, Airbnb,, GitHub, SoundCloud, Zynga, Eventbrite, Zappos, Media Temple, Heroku, RightScale, Engine Yard, MaxCDN and many others.

Decorators – uWSGI. The uWSGI API is very low-level, as it must be language-independent. That said, being too low-level is not a Good Thing for many languages, such as Python. Decorators are, in our humble opinion, one of the more kick-ass features of Python, so in the uWSGI source tree you will find a module exporting a bunch of decorators that cover a good part of the uWSGI API.

Notes¶ Signal-based decorators execute the signal handler in the first available worker. @timer(3, target='spooler')def hello(signum): print("hello") Example: a Django session cleaner and video encoder¶ Let’s define a module and put it in the Django project directory. from uwsgidecorators import *from django.contrib.sessions.models import Sessionimport os @cron(40, 2, -1, -1, -1)def clear_django_session(num): print("it's 2:40 in the morning: clearing django sessions") Session.objects.all().delete() @spooldef encode_video(arguments): os.system("ffmpeg -i \"%s\" image%%d.jpg" % arguments['filename']) Now run web2py. Important. Prefork. Summary This Multi-Processing Module (MPM) implements a non-threaded, pre-forking web server. Each server process may answer incoming requests, and a parent process manages the size of the server pool. It is appropriate for sites that need to avoid threading for compatibility with non-thread-safe libraries.

It is also the best MPM for isolating each request, so that a problem with a single request will not affect any other. This MPM is very self-regulating, so it is rarely necessary to adjust its configuration directives. How it Works A single control process is responsible for launching child processes which listen for connections and serve them when they arrive. Spare or idle server processes, which stand ready to serve incoming requests. The StartServers, MinSpareServers, MaxSpareServers, and MaxRequestWorkers regulate how the parent process creates children to serve requests.

MaxSpareServers Directive Tuning of this parameter should only be necessary on very busy sites. See also. Memcached - a distributed memory object caching system. Django at a glance. Because Django was developed in a fast-paced newsroom environment, it was designed to make common Web-development tasks fast and easy. Here’s an informal overview of how to write a database-driven Web app with Django.

The goal of this document is to give you enough technical specifics to understand how Django works, but this isn’t intended to be a tutorial or reference – but we’ve got both! When you’re ready to start a project, you can start with the tutorial or dive right into more detailed documentation. Design your model Although you can use Django without a database, it comes with an object-relational mapper in which you describe your database layout in Python code. The data-model syntax offers many rich ways of representing your models – so far, it’s been solving two years’ worth of database-schema problems. Install it Next, run the Django command-line utility to create the database tables automatically: Enjoy the free API Design your URLs Write your views Design your templates.