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Run Photoshop on an iPad with VMWare's AppBlast. Adobe's Premiere Elements now available for Mac. Adobe has released Premiere Elements for the Mac.

Adobe's Premiere Elements now available for Mac

Premiere Elements is Adobe's consumer-level image and video editing software, and this is the first time a Mac version has been released. This release -- version 9 -- offers some pretty cool features, like optimized editing of HD video and those neat photo books (much like the ones you can create with iPhoto). Hands-on: Photoshop Express for iOS tweaks UI, doesn't add much. Adobe has updated its Photoshop Express app for iOS to version 1.5, finally adding support for Retina displays and iOS 4 multitasking.

Hands-on: Photoshop Express for iOS tweaks UI, doesn't add much

Besides an improved camera interface and a slightly tweaked UI, however, the application doesn't add any useful (and sorely needed) image editing functions. Though it's been more than six months since Apple released the iPhone 4 and iOS 4, Adobe has just now gotten around to adding support for features like a Retina-compatible UI or iOS 4 background multitasking in version 1.5 of Photoshop Express for iOS. The improvements to UI elements are stark, especially when it comes to previewing images while editing. Though the previous version's UI was blocky in comparison, however, the app still worked on full 5 megapixel images from the iPhone 4.

Welcome UI enhancements.

