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Influence of ultrasonic vibration on keyholing/penetrating capability in plasma arc welding with controlled pulse waveform. How metals break: the materials of metallurgical failure - Turbomachinery MagazineTurbomachinery Magazine. Mechanical Engineering and Materials: Proceedings of ICMEM 2020. Recent development of ultrasonic brazing. Fatigue des matériaux - Facteurs d'influence sur la résistance en fatigue des matériaux métalliques. CIFRE NavalGroup LaSIE. Exmet s'appuie sur les avantages des métaux amorphes en fabrication additive. High-cycle fatigue behavior of a laser powder bed fusion additive manufactured Ti-6Al-4V titanium: effect of pores and tested volume size. Figures (1) Highlights Original fatigue results on a Ti-6Al-4V LPBF with and without pores are presented.
Study shows compressive residual stress improves threaded fastener fatigue life - Turbomachinery MagazineTurbomachinery Magazine. The effects of shot peening, laser shock peening and ultrasonic nanocrystal surface modification on the fatigue strength of Inconel 718. Abstract As most of the failures in engineering components initiate from the surface layer, applying surface treatments can play a crucial role in controlling material performance and lifetime.
In this study, different surface severe plastic deformation techniques including severe shot peening, laser shock peening and ultrasonic nanocrystal surface modification have been considered. The effects of process parameters and the kinetic energy of each treatment on the microstructure, mechanical properties and fatigue behavior of nickel-based super-alloy Inconel 718 have been investigated. The results revealed that using the proper parameters to increase the kinetic energy of the applied surface treatments, it is possible to effectively promote surface grain refinement and induce a deep compressive residual stress field in Inconel 718 samples.