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Crocheting Like Crazy

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How to crochet shapes together. For fantastic cross stitch ideas, visit the CrossStitcher website for all the latest news plus bonus free charts.

How to crochet shapes together

If you're a knitting fan, drop into Simply Knitting and The Knitter for great free patterns and wonderfully woolly news and events. And for gorgeous crochet and handy tutorials, click over to the Simply Crochet website now. Thank you for supporting The Making Spot - wishing you lots of happy crafting. Recycled Crochet Hook Holders. Submitted by Lynn from LadyWillow's TreeHouse at - LadyWillow Designs© As a confirmed recycler, I have been reluctant to toss empty pens, mechanical pencils, and markers when they no longer fullfiled their original purpose.

Recycled Crochet Hook Holders

Also developed co-ordination problems with my hands when using metal hooks during chilly and cold weather. When searching online and eBay for unique and unusual crochet hooks, I discovered the idea of hook holders or covers, and decided to try making my own. Example #1 LadyWillow Recycled Crochet Hook Holders Example #2 LadyWillow "Fun" Recycled Crochet Hook Holders - one with plastic tubing Instructions 1. 2. 3. 4. 5. 6. 7. 8. 9.

NOTE: Some holders may require sliding the hook shank into the tip end after modification, and some metal tips can be removed allowing the holder to be modified if needed. Best Ideas for Personalizing and Decorating Your Crochet Hook Handles. We all have different crochet hooks that we prefer.

Best Ideas for Personalizing and Decorating Your Crochet Hook Handles

I’m a Boye girl myself but I know a lot of people who like Addi hooks and Etimos and various others brands, shapes and styles. Whatever type of hook you have, it probably looks exactly the same as almost everyone else’s collection of those same hooks. I know that my Boye hooks look just like every other Boye hooks I’ve ever seen. But your crochet hooks don’t have to stay run-of-the-mill. There are tons of cool ways that you can decorate, embellish and personalize your crochet hooks. Some people add clay handles to make their hooks more ergonomic.

Old Pens = New Hooks FreeCraft has a basic tutorial for taking apart old pens and replacing the innards with a crochet hook. Pencil Grip Crochet Hooks One of the quickest, easiest and cheapest ways to decorate a crochet hook is to add a storebought pencil grip to it. Polymer Clay Handles Masking Tape Knotted Crochet Hook Handle It’s Knot Art shared this unique crochet hook decorating idea. Origami Shell instructions. Origami modular diagrams. Project Search. Admission of Knitting pigtails. Knitting - Tips and lessons, charts and a description of. Прием вязания объемной косички довольно часто применяется для украшения простых вязаных полотен, особенно эффектно смотрится косичка, выполненная с чередованием цветов пряжи.

Admission of Knitting pigtails. Knitting - Tips and lessons, charts and a description of

Этот же способ плетения косички из связанных цепочек воздушных петель применяется для вязания шнурка – косички, который можно выложить в украшение или применить как поясок. Для получения объемной косички на вязаном полотне вяжите полотно с пропусками. На месте пропусков набирайте цепочку из 8-10 воздушных петель. Закончив вязание, остается с помощью крючка переплести цепочки, формируя объемную косичку. Такую косичку можно формировать также при вязании по кругу. Для вязания шнурка-косички наберите начальную цепочку из 19 воздушных петель, затем вяжите столбик с накидом в первую петлю – получен первый ряд. Связав такую решетку-лесенку на необходимую длину, сложите боковые стороны вместе, а центральные цепочки переплетите в косичку при помощи крючка.